Emma on Way to court

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Still off topic, but two names which have amused me over the years are a Lieutenant Prosperity T. Custard, naturally an American and a little old lady who rejoiced in the moniker of Rosie Bottom.^_^

Pale Rider

Legendary Member
I like some of the nicknames posh people used to have.

One such was Major Edward 'Fruity' Metcalfe who had a colourful military career and was best man when the Duke of Windsor married Mrs Simpson.
Because she could have easily killed someone out of resentment?
When I first read about it, I was absolutely outraged, but I'm a bit more forgiving now. I did stupid stuff when I was twenty but I didn't get caught.

Did you really do something as serious as knock someone down with your car, leave the scene with victim possibly bleeding to death and then boast about it to your friends? And never seek to make amends? If so, then I am really quite shocked, if not then it's not really comparable.


You're telling me. I used to ride to school 3 miles each way so I had a 'racer' Rayleigh Something of other (Early 80's) blue job with drop bars and 10 speeds. I always wanted a BMX, but.. Well, my paper round didn't stretch, and my step dad was more interested in buying new stereo things.

Anyone got a violin?

Meh, I annoyed him when I spend my paper round money (and christmas/birthday money) on my first Bike. "Waste of money, you already have a bike", and thus did the n+1 story begin. Think I'm at 5 now.. And I still annoy him now I'm at 42 year old. Ahh, life is good :smile:

E were rite about that saddle though. cue yelow pages music
"Definitely knocked a cyclist off his bike earlier. I have right of way - he doesn't even pay road tax!" first its terrible that she knocked a cyclist off and drove away, its worse thats she also thinks that she must have right of way, oh and road tax is based on emissions!!


Hol den Vorschlaghammer!
Anyway, 21 years old, and want to be an accountant? Something's wrong there. :smile:

Here's why. Ethics aside, and as long as you're reasonably numerate, you could start at an accountancy practice at, say 16 or 18 and at 21 be well on the way to being chartered/certified, and be in a job with no heavy lifting which pays reasonably well (especially at such a young age). Best of all, you'd have been earning all that time (the firm pays the tuition fees), so there's no student debt...



Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
We did a small contract working in the offices of a very large international accountancy firm in Leeds about ten years ago. On the canteen notice board was an invitation to a staff quiz night and an exciting prize draw. The first prize.......three months free parking in the directors' car park.
My God, we were struck down with envy....


Hol den Vorschlaghammer!
We did a small contract working in the offices of a very large international accountancy firm in Leeds about ten years ago. On the canteen notice board was an invitation to a staff quiz night and an exciting prize draw. The first prize.......three months free parking in the directors' car park.
My God, we were struck down with envy....

Big firms are boring, with boring corporate clients. At the five-partner, two office firm I work at, we tend to get:
  • Farmers - books likely to be smelly. If you're lucky, they just smell of muck...
  • Husband-and-wife consultancy firms who claim for everything - Pub lunch? Shareholders' meeting. Shopping trip in which you bought a biro for the office? stick the mileage down...
  • Sole-trader cafe or hairdressers, who buy one of those week-to-a-page bookkeeping journals with boxes for everything and cram the week's transactions in one box in the corner. Which doesn't add up.
I am going on audit next week, though. Two weeks of an hour's drive each way before second guessing a computer working in an airless cubbyhole at the top of a warehouse. Oh joy...
I do realise I'm driving the topic bus more and more off topic, so checking the mirrors for MAMILs, I'll yank on the wheel with this: Emma Way's a silly cow.


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
Here's a poster from the 1970's...

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