Flu jab......are you for or against ?

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Legendary Member
I've had it for 7-8 years now since I was first offered following a heart attack. My arm is slightly sore for a few hours afterwards.

Hoping to get my Covid booster early November.

I don't understand why people would refuse preventative treatment which has been proven to work for decades for tens of millions of individuals.


Über Member
Haven’t had a ’flu vaccine, have had ‘flu once. It was a bitch. That was in 60+ years.

Obviously still here. Must be an unsociable bugger.


Legendary Member
Ive had actual flu maybe 6 times (at the most) in my entire life...for that reason i tend not to be really bothered by having the jab.
I did have my first after TB and all its complications, it floored me the following day. Second one, no reaction at all.
I might have one if it was presented to me but wont go looking for one.. only ever had two flu jabs.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
The problem this time of course is that there hasn’t been an Australian winter flu season. Even harder for them to decide which mix of flu vaccines to give. Its efficacy which is usually around 50% could be even lower this year.


I’ve had my third COVID vaccine and Flu jag on the same day. With my condition, I will take preventive treatment.


Legendary Member
Funny this - I bet if you asked anyone pre-Covid 99% would be in favour. Now the crazies have been drumming up support for their anti-vax agenda I'd imagine it's not considered as safe as it was.

For the record I think the Covid and flu jabs are safe and I'm pro-jab!

Strangely I rather pooh poohed the flu jab previously as I'd been offered it for a few years, but it seemed a bit pointless as I'd never got flu and I'd assumed it was a fairly minor illness unless you were frail or whatever. Covid I took as soon as offered for obvious reasons. I'm probably more inclined to take the flu jab when my name comes up, though can't really rationalise it
Yes.....its a little white pill you disolve on the tongue.
Oct-Feb. Once a day for a week then once a week.
Recommended by a homeopath I 'trusted'.
Homeopathy is just a tiny bit of something that is much diluted, indeed so much so it's actually undetectable, and as such is not a medicine (as it has no active ingredient) so what's the point, why not just have water for free? (because homeopaths need to charge for snake oil?).
If your going to have a tiny bit of what makes you ill (to get a defence reaction) then a bit of dead virus (a vaccine!!) is far better as it's tested and approved.
My nephew complained he knew he'd always gets ill after any injection as he always did, so I suggested it was auto suggestion and his own fault, about 20 minutes later Jeremy Vine said on R2 that he'd been told by Dr Sara Jarvis to stop expecting a problem as it was almost guaranteed he would get what he expected - Jeremy has never had a reaction since, nor has my nephew.


Have a nice ride.
Our community matron told us DO NOT have both at the same time.......leave it at least 7 days.
I never thought to ask why.
I'm getting my annual flu jab here in the States next week. Then hopefully my Moderna COVID booster jab 2-weeks to a month, being 65 which will put me in the first tier to get one after the healthcare professionals and those most at risk. The US is considering a combo flu/COVID jab. Bring it on, one less trip to get jabbed. Go for it, Dave :okay:
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