FNRttC FNRttC 3rd July to Brighton - the 'Genteel' ride 2009

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Here for rides.
A song for the inexperienced FNRttC way marker - I think we all know the tune folks...

I'm leaning on a lamppost
At the corner of some street
In case a certain little night ride comes by.
Oh me! Oh my!
I hope the little night ride comes by.
I don't know if they'll get away,
They don't always get away,
But anyhow I know that they'll try.
Oh me, oh my!
I hope the little night ride comes by.
There's no other ride I would wait for,
But this one I'd break any date for.
I don't want to ask what they're late for.
They wouldn't leave me (with a) flat;
It's not a ride like that.

It's absolutely beautiful
And marvellous and wonderful,
And everyone can understand why
I'm leaning on a lamppost
At the corner of some street
In case a certain little night ride passes by

apologies to George Formby


MacBludgeon said:
there you go Dell, you've got ChrisKH, Sig and the Garminator, directions shouldn't be a problem:biggrin:

Well my Dad did London to Brighton (and back) numerous times as a youngster, so we should be ok. :ohmy:

( I shall be looking for guidance from t' other side. )
This is indubitably the backing track to GrumpyGreg's 'Charlotte style' video. Rehearsals under the arch at 22:30!

The film title? "F-in stop will you!"

Sig in charge of printing and distribution, ChrisKH management. (This is a full-blown film Chris...it would be different if we were making 'shorts' :o) MacB, Expenses. (Please pay for everything that means - cheque is in the post)

Directed by Gregorico GrumpyGregolino

(Ah! back to work...)


pre-talced and mighty
Two random thoughts
1. I don't think that our most efficient chaserdowner of strays will be with us this month
2. The object of his chasing down at the Effingham Lane turn on the March ride was a certain Mr......


Über Member
dellzeqq said:
we've not quite got to the point where the balance between innocence (lots) and experience (not very much) is causing concern, but we're not a million miles off. So....Chris B, Chris KH, Pippa G, Dan B, The Tims, MacB, Laura B, Aperitif, Grumpygreg, Andrij and Adrian........sorry. I'm going to be prevailing on your good will for part of the way.

So let it be written, so let it be done!


Lover of things that come in 3's
dellzeqq said:
we've not quite got to the point where the balance between innocence (lots) and experience (not very much) is causing concern, but we're not a million miles off. So....Chris B, Chris KH, Pippa G, Dan B, The Tims, MacB, Laura B, Aperitif, Grumpygreg, Andrij and Adrian........sorry. I'm going to be prevailing on your good will for part of the way.

I'll give any bit a go, worst that can happen is that I mess up and learn from it.


Silencing his legs regularly
Speaking as one of the inexperienced (innocence long gone...)- one ride most definitely doesn't count, though I'll probably remember at least a decent chunk of the route from last time, I reckon it'll take a couple more before I feel familiar with all of it. I think we'll probably be OK, even with rather more green and greenish horns than old hands.
If the more experienced among us drop subtle/not so subtle hints about forthcoming turns at certain points (most of the route is pretty straightforward but...) that would probably help a lot. Simon might want to make a few points in his safety talk.....
If in doubt, along with 'hole!' and 'easy!', 'Oi, so and so, this way!'.


You only really need to know the route if you're leading. Most of the additional bodies are needed to act as human signposts and TECs, although people who do know the route well are useful if you think you may have lost someone off the back, and some poor sod needs to hammer back a few miles and check. :wahhey:


Chief Kebab Taster
I've just noticed my name was muttered upon reviewing this thread.. I beleive cast along side messing things up?? Moi?? Surely not! Maps, Garmin thingies, pah!

And yes, shiney running shorts, super reflective! Why I cant find cycling shorts with the same adequacies (spl?) is beyond me..

Anyhow.. I do want to do this ride.. but I want to do the Dun Run too.. however, 1, Dun Run I will do only if I cycle back, of this, am not sure of companions yet, and being a Norwich City fan, alone going through Ips****, well, I shudder, and 2, I worry that this gentle ride will be so slow, I actually might fall asleep pedling! (Ive done it before) My speedo no doubt will switch off too at not reckognising such speeds as 10mph, or 16 kph to you euro-friendlies...

I shall update you all soon, am sure Ill be of use if I do come along!


Here for rides.
my lyrical diversion was intended to communicate my assent to being used by Dellzeqq as he sees fit; provided lots of talc is involved.
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