For the amusement of smug cyclists.

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That's one way to tow the line! ;)

Blame the AA! I feel sorry for the car's owner.

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
A similar thing has happened in Manchester - we have rising bollards that restrict entry to one particular section of road to buses only (this is clearly signposted). Every so often some genius decides that they're too important to find another route, and tries to tailgate a bus over the bollards.....


More serious cyclist than Bonj
Theres a bus block near me that needs these. Its just got red lights there, but cars just go through it anyway. Its good when the police sit the other side of it though, stop every car that comes out, or goes to go through but turns around.
Would love there to be bollards there, be good to see what the cars do. There would probably be people not know about them and nearly crash into them aswell, they go flying down there.


Well-Known Member
I thought the driver of the car took it rather well. I'd have been rather annoyed with the AA man if he'd towed me through there.


Mr Pig

New Member
I don't blame the AA guy, who would think about that? And how is he supposed to tow a car through?
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