found a hedgehog...what to do?

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Re member eR
I would suggest a casserole.

Clay bake is just myth.


Über Member
looks like you've already received some sound advice (obviously not the silly BBQ posts) If it is too dehydrated it probably will not be able to take on fluids or food. An experienced carer will have the skills necessary to give it fluids via injection. My best advice is to get it to a rescue centre ASAP.
We've had too many hogs die on us this year because they've been found too late or people have waited too long before contacting us. Speed really is of the essence but let us know how you get on.
Another thing worth mentioning is the fact that most carers are totally voluntary and it costs small fortunes for medication and food, so if you supplied them with a bag if IAMS or two, you'd be making a big difference.

Glow worm

Legendary Member
Near Newmarket
This is the little fellow we found in the road at the weekend in Norfolk and took to a rescue place.,

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