FNRttC Friday Night Ride to the Coast - Brighton 3rd August

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Here for rides.
There's never a need for armearwarmers


XCWeather is also saying dry tonight at the London end, but progressively more, albeit slight rain, the closer you get to Brighton. I may chuck the Race Blades onto Red, since they don't exactly add much to the weight!

With a possible worst case temperature at the London end of 12°C near midnight, I'm not sure what to wear. I may wear the long sleeved, but summer weight jersey, and ¾ tights. I think the Goretex waterproof will need to be bunged into the saddlebag, as a totem against any rain. ^_^


It's a bit more complicated than that...
This is tonight, isn't it?

I'd better get home - and buy some AAA batteries. Here's hoping the £5 7-day-shop special front lights do the job.


On the 'what to wear front', I would like to apologise in advance for the Dynamo jersey, I'm not , and never have been, a Dynamo. It is the only long sleeved one I own. Feel free to seek me out, I am a friendly type!

Tim Hall

I too saw a London Dynamo jersey whilst I was languishing in the rain watching the women's race on the big screen at Denbies . Couldn't find any stewards though.


Dog on a bike
1966026 said:
The other day, watching cycle racing on Box Hill, a Dynamo clad person strayed off up the hill into forbidden territory. When rounded up and brought back he was widely castigated as "London Dynamo Scum" and the stewards were exhorted to throw him out.
It's just a shame we don't really keep lions for this purpose anymore. Watching a Dynamo run away from a lion could be quite entertaining


It's a bit more complicated than that...
I rode with a Dynamo jersey on my way in to work last week. I say "with" - he went away at each lights (faster each time to make a point) and I caught up at the next set. I like to think I'd have kept with him if I'd been trying...


pre-talced and mighty
If anyone wants me, I'll be at the velodrome. Am taking my bike in case they need someone to make up the numbers. This may make me super speedy on tonight's ride.......
TEC duty beckons...........


Legendary Member
Unfortunately I've had to bail out of this one, was looking forward to the ride there and back to do my first ton.
Hope you all have a great night.


Dog on a bike
I think we'll take the London Bridge option. Martin, TMN, see you there. We get in at 2245.
Tim, you have PM.

London Bridge pickup is bus station side of the station at 11. I'm fairly sure it will be signposted as Guys Hospital if anyone doesn't know it.


Well that was interesting.

It was a relatively small ride, by current FNRttC standards, less than 60 people I believe, and that seemed to help the speed. I don't know what time the leaders got in, but the tail must have gotten in before 8am.

Mechanically we've had better rides. Very near the start, someone had a crank fall off. As I understand it, this was resolved, and didn't seem to reoccur, surprisingly, since I would have guessed crank issues would most likely be terminal. We had a dry ride up until 3am-ses, and left there with a fine drizzle. Inevitably, a little further on, the rain clouds rolled up their sleeves, and really got to work on us, at times making it difficult to cycle because of the rain hitting our faces. This in turn bumped up the number of visits by the fairy from zero at that point, to seven by the end of the ride.

No issues prior to the rain, and then seven following the cloudburst, was a pretty definitive demonstration of the effect rain has on visitation likelihood.

Both the Madeira and the Edifice did their normal fine jobs of plying us with food. I managed to put away a fair amount of it, along with the mandatory cup of tea. ^_^

Travelling back on FCC was uneventful, and probably less busy than many other trains that I've taken back from FNRttCs. There seemed to be a fair amount of groups of kids at both Brighton and East Croydon stations, more than I've seen at similar times previously. Possibly that's Olympics related, but that is purely conjecture on my part.

I'm now a bit zonked, but trying not to sleep, because that'll bugger up my sleep pattern later.
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