Froome and Wiggins TUEs

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It hasn't got anything to do with rationality and it hasn't got anything to do with upsetting or not upsetting mainstream sports; I'm not even sure it's to do with cycling being seen as a dirty sport. Sky, Wiggins et al. are in the public eye at the moment thanks to Fancy Bears' activities and there's a lot of bandwagon jumping going on - plus maybe a bit of schadenfreude by Rothermere at another large media organisation being discomfited?
Agree this is a celebrity story more than anything. Plus the Daily Nazi or consistently anti-cycling.


"Nothing to see, move along" says Cookson[/Q. UOTE]
And to a considerable extent, he is correct. No regulation broken. WADA says it's OK to use substance X under TUE which must be approved by the international governing body. All clear and the only slight question mark is over timing and some rather silly statements from certain people, plus the rather odd special trip by a BC employee working on behalf of Sky (and being charged to them?). Nothing as the Daily Hate nonsense about a "raid". Unless a meeting at BCHQ between UKADA and BC/GBCT is a raid - which in the bloodshot eyes of a muckraker it clearly is.
What is strange is that Times (Murdoch paper) carries a piece which could be seen as criticising Sky (Murdoch again).
Nest week's papers may be interesting?



Oh, come on. The whole thing has exposed Sky's supposed high-mindedness as a sham. Not only was there not really a no-needles policy, you had team doctors transporting substances around the place, TUEs for extremely dubious medical reasons which stretch the rules beyond credibility and much more. Sky made a very large play of being different, of being transparent. It turns out they are just another pro-cycling team and as cynical as all the others. And the TUE systems comes across as being a mechanism by which performance-enhancing substances can be 'legally' administered whether or not they really conform to the rules of medical necessity.


Hello there
I think Brailsford tried to explain away the package thing with it being for Pooley, can't find the sauce now though unfortunately.

rich p

ridiculous old lush
Oh, come on. The whole thing has exposed Sky's supposed high-mindedness as a sham. Not only was there not really a no-needles policy, you had team doctors transporting substances around the place, TUEs for extremely dubious medical reasons which stretch the rules beyond credibility and much more. Sky made a very large play of being different, of being transparent. It turns out they are just another pro-cycling team and as cynical as all the others. And the TUE systems comes across as being a mechanism by which performance-enhancing substances can be 'legally' administered whether or not they really conform to the rules of medical necessity.
The no-needles policy was a UCI introduction IIRC, not a Sky policy before then. I may be wrong.
I'm still of the opinion that dosage of an anti-asthma drug to an asthma sufferer is not and was not illegal. There is little or no evidence that it is performance enhancing in any medical report that I've seen. The only people who say things like 'performance enhancing powerful drug' are The Daily Mail and serial cocktail dopers like Rasmussen and Millar.
As I said upthread, Wiggins' biggest mistake was to pretend in his book that intramuscular and IV were different. They may be in his opinion but the distinction is flawed in most others.
The transport of this package remains an unanswered question as yet so speculation is simply that.

Incidentally, no-needles isn't necessarily all it seems (even leaving aside medical drips, dentist's injections, vaccinations etc). Garmin, Prentice Steffen and Vaughters were proud and loud fore-runners of the needle-less scheme but the small print in their 2008 policy document is interesting...

Slipstream Sports has a strict no needles policy. No injections or infusions of any kind will be permitted in any racing, training or resting circumstance, no matter time of year, location, or event. If you are a member of this team, you cannot inject yourself or have someone else inject you. Period. If there is a severe medical need, such as cortisone to reduce inflammation in a knee, any injection must approved by the management and medical team.
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Cat 6 Racer
The Red Enclave
At least we now know why Sky did not join the MPCC,

Nonsense. The MPCC has zero credibility - it's a voluntary organisation that any team can join, and then choose whether or not to abide by its rules. Sky are one of a number of WT teams that either didn't sign up in the first place or have subsequently left (either through choice or being kicked out).


Senior Member
Some of the guff written on this topic is straight out of the Clinic. Brailsford has made a couple of "off the cuff" remarks and he should know better. His Pooley comments were conjecture / "maybe it was" stuff. The lynch mob can't wait. I want to see real evidence not words like "substance" - maybe it was Toblerone - before I jump to conclusions. In the meantime Sky and BC need to think before they speak.
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