Game: Name that road!

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Ming the Merciless

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Mountains across water aren't same, and neither are rocks on left as in pic.


Legendary Member
Mountains across water aren't same, and neither are rocks on left as in pic.
Lord Aravis will be our judge!

Have a look at the 2011 view, I'm quietly confident - its hard with a 1971 holiday snap vs current street view. Also if you swing 90% left hand, you can see the upgraded power lines .


Putrid Donut
Lord Aravis will be our judge.....
I'm wondering how I should take this. Probably shouldn't overthink... :okay:

@T4tomo you are correct, and plenty close enough to the exact spot. A little further back and slightly more zoomed and it matches better, but the wall - starting to collapse in the latest image - should be conclusive.

I didn't find it easy to line it up perfectly with Streetview. My pic is from 1976, and there is enough shape visible in the mountains opposite on at least one of the Streetview images to get a positive match. On one of them I think you can see the Three Sisters range above Glencoe, but this isn't visible in the 1976 view.

I agree that it's difficult to match up the rocks on the left. I assume changes in the vegetation are responsible. Good logic @T4tomo on the upgraded power lines - I hadn't noticed that. Over to you now.

And thanks to @Dogtrousers for the technical assistance. :notworthy:


Legendary Member
clearly the same place.

well done @T4tomo

don't understand the clue though... apart from the lock/loch
King-air-loch. I got that and it led me to Loch Uisge (which i assume is a gaelic translation or alternative of same?) which was clearly too small, but the Kingairloch estate office nearby overlooks Loch a'Choire / Loch Linnhie, the water visible in the clue.

Queenbreath loch didn't appear to exist.

I'm wondering how I should take this. Probably shouldn't overthink... :okay:
Indeed, it was meant as a term of deep reverence:laugh:

slow scot

One of the best rides in Scotland is doing that road as a loop starting and finishing at the Corran ferry.


Norven Mankey
That is spot on, @shnjmsn. The online images haven't been updated since 2009, whereas my picture is from September 2020. This shows the gateway and trees in 2009, the gate having been subsequently replaced:

View attachment 624848!1sY8jEX03K6bz7RjJ-GM-1IA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

I won't attempt to expand any further as @shnjmsn will know far more about the area than I do.

Your turn now!

Edit: the cows haven't moved much.
Blimey, that's another road we actually rode on during our LEJOG last year. I don't remember it at all but I do remember the Pumping Station nearby...then a blur until the Strawberry Line


Legendary Member

Name that road. If anyone has been there it will be immediately familiar, if not I've shaded out the writing to save it being a quickest google!


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Blimey, that's another road we actually rode on during our LEJOG last year. I don't remember it at all...
I thought it looked familiar too, and looked at the road that I had ridden a few years ago. I hadn't done that extra loop though - I just followed the A861 round anticlockwise via Strontian. This picture was taken about 20 km NE of Aravis's photo...


PS Which I had forgotten using in post #1!
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Putrid Donut
Er, @ColinJ, I think @nickyboy was talking about my previous picture which was in deepest Somerset!!!

The Scottish road would only be a logical part of LEJOG if you crossed to or from Mull on the Lochaline - Fishnish route. Perfectly feasible but most people who choose to go via Mull would surely choose to use the other two crossings. I think so anyway.

Those with long memories might remember that I posted a different picture from that road a while back. I have another which I hope to use some time...
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