Going to have my gall bladder removed in an hour's time....

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welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Good luck. Hope it went well. My twin grandsons had they're gall bladders and spleens removed when they were 7. They had keyhole surgery and within days were running around like lunatics. But as for older people. Take things easy and take the advise of the Dr. You may have to be careful of what you eat though as you may put some weight on.


Still wavin'
Ovver 'thill
Well, nothing ever goes to plan does it!
I was last on the list so went to theatre at 4 pm. Recovery room clock said 6.10 when I came e round. I'm now sat in a ward rather than going home. Pain killers all working so far, but no one seems keen for me to go home. Oh well, at least I can use my phone to keep myself entertained


Hope you get some sleep. Hospitals can be rather noisy.


Lovely jubbly
My 71 year old fathers in hospital at the moment having gone in with tummy pains and temperature. They suspected gall bladder infection, this quickly escalated to pneumonia and a partially collapsed lung due to shallow breathing and massive abdominal swelling. Antibiotics failed to quell the infection so after nearly a week of hell they took him off to theatre to remove his now rotting gall bladder. Two days in ITU and then back on the ward and he's now on the road to recovery, his breathing has improved and he's now on a light diet after about 12 days with no food (only IV fluids and a couple of TPN nutrient bags). hopefully he'll be home soon, a lot thinner than when he went in, but still with us thank God!
Needless to say my bike hasn't turned a wheel for some time. Just thought I'd share this story!
Hope you have a Speedy recovery by the way, it's a very common operation if there are no complications so they say.
It's THE BEST OP you can have. I know mine was. ( end of Aug )
I'm now working, lifting, and more important, sleeping normally.
I even have a new p.b. for my "lap of the lanes" which includes standing on the peds up the dreaded Cherry Tree hill.

I wish you all the best. Happy days are just round the corner.
Paul G


Still wavin'
Ovver 'thill
Come on mate. Up you get. They don't let you home till they've taken the wee sample.

Sorry, that sounds wrong. Perhaps I should have said specimen.
Done all that. I was sat with the nurses having a cuppa at half three, gobsmacked at the lack of pain.

Bad news is that my family have all got some horrific vomiting bug, so I'm probably better off here!
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