Halfords Click and dont collect.

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Hol den Vorschlaghammer!
Never had a problem with the Kingsway branch in Derby. Picked up an armband for the Drama Queen's phone for a quid the other day...


You didn't hear it from me, but there is a problem with the service now that click and collect and order and collect have been merged.
If the item is in stock you can go and get it straight away, just give the guys time to pick it off the shelf for you.
If its being delivered to store for you the computer likes to say it'll be there after one the next day, what the computer doesn't know is that the delivery guys don't arrive til 3 some days, and sometimes he doesn't arrive at all.
When orders come in nice helpful people like myself, thanks @Ffoeg , will ring you to let you know. It's really useful if you either answer your phone or check your messages.
Unfortunately if you order an item online that isn't a stock line nobody in the store knows about it until it turns up, or you do. So with the best will in the world we can't let you know it isn't there.
If you don't fancy a wasted journey then pick up the phone, but help us out by knowing the order number, or atleast what you've ordered . " it was a white bike" isn't very helpful at all.
If something goes wrong give the store time to remedy it, if you're really upset tell the manager, please don't ring head office or they take away our tea and biscuits. :blush:


Never had a problem. In fact used click and collect this week to purchase 10 innertubes (9 decent conti tubes) and 2 packs of skabs. Cost me £25 with discounts.

It took about 10 days for the order to come through - I'm in no rush (why is everyone in a rush to get stuff:rolleyes:). I did phone the store late last week as to the whereabouts of the order. The told me they were waiting for the Skabs.

I got a phone call weds morning to tell me everything was in. I went and picked it up. Cue 10 inner-tubes stuffed into my back pockets.:whistle:

Some people are just perpetual moaners.

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
Apparently I was the first ever to do a "halfords ebay collect" :laugh:
The wee boy at the till was surprised, it is very popular in the Braehead branch, not here ... but I live here, not in Braehead! :wacko:


London, UK
I had a problem with Evans on chain links to collect in store where the website said they were ready to collect, but they hadn't arrived yet when I got there. The Evans guy gave me a 9-speed chain link for my troubles for free, so it wasn't a wasted trip.


My local Halfords never has my parcel when I go there to collect based on the dates advised during ordering. Ok, I haven't had a phone call. When they tell me not to try and collect until I do get a call, but no call comes, what do I do?

On the last twice that my parcel wasn't there, they promised to call me when it arrived. 5 days later I attend the store only to be told that it came in 4 days ago. No reason for lack of call.

I don't think people are impatient, they just expect to have it when they are told it will be there. Hardly a big ask?

As far as the staff are concerned, clearly it isn't their fault at the store, so am always polite and never take it out on them.

Shocking way to do business though.
never had a problem at the warrington branch with click n collect, just to add to the melting pot.

I have had an issue with the Warrington branch.

Click and Collect is in on the correct day, but they have a habit of calling me at about 8am to tell me it's arrived. Usually when I have worked a late shift till 3am the day before :biggrin:


An Peanut
Halfords have a 75% failure rate for me over click and collect. I am usually trying to get an exceptional bargain, but nonetheless the system is a joke and just reinforces the opinion of 'total muppetry' that they have. It probably won't stop me trying when a good bargain comes up, but will stop me buying anything with a normal price.


I work in the Logistics sector and I can tell you that halfords is working very hard to improve there supply chain. However, how soon the improvements will come is the big question!
One thing I do know, is that the senior management team in halfords is determined to get it right and I believe they will.

For the record, I do not work for the Logistics company who halfords use but like all industries, the Logistics sector is very incestuous and having been in the industry for quite some time I have a good network of conatacts.


Senior Member
South Derbyshire
The issue is not whether the product has arrived. It's the customer service aspect that fails. If you are told that an item will be in by a time\day and the item hasn't arrived then contact from the shop would avoid the frustration.

It may well be that the Halfords system doesn't alert them to an overdue product. If it doesn't then that is a major flaw in a Click & Collect service.


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
The issue is not whether the product has arrived. It's the customer service aspect that fails. If you are told that an item will be in by a time\day and the item hasn't arrived then contact from the shop would avoid the frustration.

It may well be that the Halfords system doesn't alert them to an overdue product. If it doesn't then that is a major flaw in a Click & Collect service.

The store doesnt seem to have a clue you are expecting the stuff so when it doesnt come in the first they know about it is when you turn up for it.


Don't suffer fools gladly (must try harder!)
Reading, obvs
I've had two out of three OK experiences with Click and Collect at our local Halfords (Winnersh).

But don't get me started about The Works - I'm still waiting for that Fauso Coppi book recommended on here, ordered two weeks ago to collect within 3-5 working days, no sign of it at all yet.


Über Member
I use this a lot and I have never has a problem, they telephone to confirm when to expect the order

What is a problem for them is to work out the 10% BC discount, they only need to enter the discount, not to do any mental arithmetic. It is hilarious seeing them run round trying to find a calculator, often they ask me if I know what 10% of whatever is and they seem genuinely surprised that I can work it out in my head.

Saying all that I would never ever trust Halfords to do any work on my bikes or my cars
I just popped down to Halfords for a new BB. The guy said "£19.99 please"... I said, "it's only £12.99 on your website." he said, "It is, would you like me to click and collect for you?"... i said yes, and he did the gubbins on an ipad and sold me it for £12.99 :smile:

A good old fashioned trick

Did this with PCWord a few years ago.

Wanted a small travelling netbook, and went in to try it ot.

£200 more expensive than their on-line cost.

After long discussion manager still refused to charge the internet price.

Nipped outside, used phone to buy and collect from Currys next door (same Company), went back in and asked for the same manager.

Took great delight in showing him the receipt and collection details..... and explained why h had lost the sale

He was fuming, but couldn't do a thing


Never used Über Member
I've used C&C at Halfords on York Rd in Leeds and though I've occasionally not had a phone call, the items gave always been there when I've popped in.
It does bug me that you can't collect bike stuff at the big click and collect desk downstairs where there is very rarely a queue, but you have to go upstairs to the usually very busy bike section.
Apart from the bike rack I bought, which I had to go back downstairs for because that's a car part, apparently...:wacko:

I did have a problem with a C&C order at the Halifax branch where I found some of the items missing when I got home. Fair play though, they not only replaced the missing items without quibble, but they gave me three packs of SIS hydro tabs free for my trouble.
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