He touched my car

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Well-Known Member
[QUOTE 2123441, member: 9609"]You will not scratch a car by simply touching it - even if it is dirty at the time.[/quote]

It would be a really good idea, to not make a statement about something that you obviously have absolutely no knowledge or understanding of!




Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
It would be a really good idea, to not make a statement about something that you obviously have absolutely no knowledge or understanding of!



I have knowledge and understanding of it as I have a car. It's a red one, and quite new one at that. And from my learned knowledge and understanding it has not got scratched from me or someone else touching it, both when it is clean and dirty.
Trying to get things back to something close to constructive, and getting away from the 'fark motorists, we don't give a shoot' etc depression of this thread...

Who's responsible if the car starts moving and the cyclists hand slips causing a fall?
Has the cyclist transferred responsibility for his/her safety to the driver? Is that a comfortable situation to put yourself in?

Considering the strength of opinion on this subject - do you really want to trust your safety to someone who may floor it just to prove a point?
I do enjoy a good debate but I don't think it's polite to just sit and watch, so I guess I will have to take a side.. not sure which though!
Let me think.. if a cyclist touched my car (especially if it happened to be a proper roadie.. :wub:) I couldn't care less honestly. Maybe because I drive the sh***y one! But then again, I wouldn't care if I was driving the "good" one.. They're just cars you know?
Having said that, if someone was touching my bike while it was parked for example I would be fuming :ninja:. So I guess it's just a matter of what one's considering as important (or even better "precious"), isn't?

And, no, I wouldn't lean on a car, as most of them are filthy and it would cause me more trouble to clean my hand (or even worse my glove) than unclip..
I have knowledge and understanding of it as I have a car. It's a red one, and quite new one at that. And from my learned knowledge and understanding it has not got scratched from me or someone else touching it, both when it is clean and dirty.

Woo! Red is good! :bravo:
Mine is unfortunately blue.. and not very new either :becool:
My car doesn't get washed often, too busy living a life these days - I'll apologise now for any mucky hands. In fact - let me know as you pass and I'll hand you a sponge and bucket so you can clean a bit while you're there! :laugh:
Last owner was a fleet company so it's been washed with dog biscuits and sandpaper anyway.

I don't lean on a cars myself. There's too many angry, bigotted scumbags just waiting for an opportunity to 'do something' to someone on the roads these days. I'd expect to be beaten to death in the middle of the road as people trundle past, or slip as the car suddenly moves and prove a helmet is no match for a Michelin.
I'll apologise now for any mucky hands. In fact - let me know as you pass and I'll hand you a sponge and bucket so you can clean a bit while you're there! :laugh:

You're ever so kind! Thank you! :girl:
If I have to stop in traffic at lights, I like to entertain the drivers by lying on their car bonnet, and pouting at them, whilst making suggestive hip movements. :smile:

Hip movements suggestive of what, precisely?

Also if you are a bicyclist, why do you feel the need to stop at traffic signals?

It is clear from reading my daily newspaper that you scalliwags stop at nothing, least of all red lights.

Whilst I cannot claim to have fought in a war for the likes of you young whippersnappers, I'd like to put it on record here that had i done so I would not be best pleased.

In the least.

Thank you.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Cyclists take note: If you need to lean on my vehicle I'll be very happy that I was there to help you - it's the one with the Audax and CycleChat stickers on the back. I don't care about the possibility of little scratches being a result, because I have a life.

yes, yes, yes.... but is it clean enough to lean a hand on?


[QUOTE 2123441, member: 9609"]You will not scratch a car by simply touching it - even if it is dirty at the time.[/quote]

OK, I may be exaggerating slightly, but a moving (gloved) hand rubbing small pieces of grit (i.e. road dirt) onto paint will damage it. Not suggesting a cyclist will deliberately rub a car, but there's a very real possibility that the hand will move along the car in the act of leaning on it.

If you touch and it's dirty it scratches, maybe. Really? Well keep it clean then if you're so anal.

If you thought about this for a second or two you would realise that it is impossible to keep a car free from dirt if it is being used (as indeed it is a bicycle).

I am really struggling to understand why people think it's OK to do this. Surely it's just common courtesy - you don't go around touching and potentially damaging (however small the potential and however small the damage) other people's property?


I am really struggling to understand why people think it's OK to do this. Surely it's just common courtesy - you don't go around touching and potentially damaging (however small the potential and however small the damage) other people's property?

The reason is, because if you do a completely objective analysis of the situation, it is insignificant. It is extremely unlikely that touching a car will do anything worse than any other objects that cars are exposed too on a regular basis (e.g. stone chippings).

In the real world, however, people don't operate purely on cold, hard logic. Humans are not emotionally dead robots, they have feelings and instincts. We as a species are still driven by instincts that are optimized for the hunter-gatherer era, not for a modern advanced civilization. With this in mind it is important to try and understand and have respect for other people's feelings, even if it seems irrational or out of proportion. Unfortunately there seems to be a significant minority who don't give a toss and antagonize others in the process and then complain when the inevitable unpleasant retaliation occurs :rolleyes:.
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