He touched my car

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2123684 said:
Cyclists expressing a cyclist point of view on a cycling forum, that must be a hell of a surprise to some people.

You and your mates creeping round the same threads, sneering at anyone who challenges your orthodoxy.

Your post sums up you and your mates.


2123703 said:
Yes I guess that, to someone who defines them-self in terms of engine power, the opinions of cyclists must be a little hard to comprehend.

I don't own a road car.

How many miles do you do on a bike in a year, say?


Legendary Member
Adrian, are you really a cyclist? or do you just happen to come on a cycling forum. No disrespect meant just an honest question.

Now why not take this a step further and next time you pull up at the lights just lean on another cyclist or even a pedestrian.

Respect, very lacking in today's society it seems.


@400bhp Have I met you? Because I've met them, and they're lovely people. Still, no worries, we all get a bit ****ed off sometimes.

I suspect most of us are on here, despite our internet persona.

I'd hope we all come on here because we are passionate about cycling. That's our commonality.

I'm trying to be a better person - sometimes I take 2 steps back.


Legendary Member
Tiny, what is the point of pasting that post of mine?

Definitely a cyclist here, have been for over 40 years, kids are cyclist the DIL is a cyclist, I have run events for cyclist, I have been president of vice for a large cycling club. Cut me in half and I would have cyclist written in the middle like a stick of rock. Damn I even got 2 hours in today in the wind and rain, not sure if that makes me a cyclist or a nutter, more likely the latter.

Best of all I smile a lot, even when I am on here. I have over the years met so many eccentric, objectionable cyclist it feels right being here sometimes.


Legendary Member
Tiny, you are so wrong I have been in the motor trade for 40 years, we are known for treating them a bit like cobbler's shoes, my 2007 Passat has 129,000 miles and many a mark on the paint. However this does not stop me from treating other peoples objects and space with respect.

Where did I say I do not want my car touched, you seem pretty good with the C&P so could you point it out to me.

Hip Priest

I wouldn't lean on someone's car for a variety of reasons (all covered elsewhere) but I wouldn't give a toss if someone leant on mine.
So how do the precious people feel about driving their car on a windy dusty day or over gravelled roads or parking were people might rub against it or a multitude of other circumstances. Do you wait for a certain temperature and humidity before taking it out of it's hermetic seals?


So how do the precious people feel about driving their car on a windy dusty day or over gravelled roads or parking were people might rub against it or a multitude of other circumstances. Do you wait for a certain temperature and humidity before taking it out of it's hermetic seals?

I think you're missing the point. Substitute 'sit on someone else's settee while wearing greasy trousers' for 'lean on someone else's dirty car with gloved hands'. You wouldn't do the former (I assume), so why do the latter?

Dan B

Disengaged member
I think you're missing the point. Substitute 'sit on someone elses settee while wearing greasy trousers' for 'lean on someone elses dirty car with gloved hands'. You wouldn't do the former (I assume), so why do the latter?
Did they leave the settee parked by the kerb?


Did they leave the settee parked by the kerb?

Silly argument. Just because something is in an area accessible to the public it doesn't give the public the right to damage it.

Anyway, I'm annoyed with you because you quoted my post before I corrected the grammar!:angry:

Gary E

I don't see why we're arguing about this, it's a problem with it's own solution.
For anyone who thinks it's OK to lean on someone else's car just continue to do it. In fact why not make a point of doing it all the time?
Sooner or later, right or wrong, over-reaction or otherwise (whatever your position on this issue) you'll come up against someone who'll snap your arm off and shove it up a convenient orifice.
Then you can explain to them how it hasn't marked their paint :laugh:
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