Here we go again...they don't pay road tax,they should be made to take a test blah blah blah!

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Here we go again...they don't pay road tax,they should be made to take a test blah blah blah!

The best thing I find with these kind of people is simply to tell them to f**k off - the law is the law and until that changes it’s tough 5h1t isn’t it?

It never ceases to amaze me how many “legal experts” one comes across in those situations though! But you can’t tell them can you? Like the lady I encountered one time driving in her Volkswagen Up! who, when disgruntled at the sheer horror of having to wait to overtake me (which she tried to do on a bend with traffic lights just around it) then gave me the “I pay my road tax” line when stopped at said lights. And when I politely explained that “road tax” doesn’t exist and pointed out the fact that she’s driving a box on wheels with a hairdryer for an engine that doesn’t emit anything and thus she doesn’t pay anything either, she huffed, wound her window up and drove off.

Like my mum always said, never argue with stupid people- you’ll always be beaten by their experience.
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Über Member
Taken from the article:
"cyclists should be making some financial contribution to roads"

So the hundreds of pounds income tax I pay each month has never been spent on maintaining the road?

I stopped reading the article at that point.


Smash the cistern
Taken from the article:
"cyclists should be making some financial contribution to roads"

So the hundreds of pounds income tax I pay each month has never been spent on maintaining the road?

I stopped reading the article at that point.
The funny thing is that I didn't even pay income tax on the money I used to buy my bike.


Legendary Member
When I used to commute I'd occasionally get the old "you don't pay road tax" remark. I'd invariably sneer down at whatever manky old tin box they were driving, and in my poshest tones would would reply "but my dear boy/girl, unlike you I already pay higher rate income tax". This would usually leave them floundering for a response, or boiling with pent up rage, or both.

Little things like that set me up for the day - setting someone else on the road to developing an ulcer is so soothing.
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