Hit and Run in Knightsbridge. Cyclist chases down motorist.

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Senior Member
Why do you keep quoting people's posts in their entirety without replying? We've already read it the first time.


Openly Marxist
Why do you keep quoting people's posts in their entirety without replying? We've already read it the first time.

He's just getting used to the forum. Cut him a bit of slack.


Senior Member
Brilliant. What can I say. I apologise to the cyclist I undertook. I apologise for being concerned for my fellow cyclists well being and welfare. I felt the duty to catch the Driver as I was surprised he didn't stop. It was a hasty but firm decision to commence pursuit. Maybe I should have chased him and got away. Anyways thank you. Criticisms are welcome..constructively of course.
If you undertook me at speed with your thumb on an airzound my first thought would not be 'there goes a man concerned about my wellbeing and welfare'


Legendary Member
Brilliant. What can I say. I apologise to the cyclist I undertook. I apologise for being concerned for my fellow cyclists well being and welfare. I felt the duty to catch the Driver as I was surprised he didn't stop. It was a hasty but firm decision to commence pursuit. Maybe I should have chased him and got away. Anyways thank you. Criticisms are welcome..constructively of course.

the video showed that you were clearly not concerned for your fellow cyclists welfare - you put them at risk by a dangerous horn blaring undertake, you concern was in meeting - at any cost - your misconceived duty to chase down a driver whose number plate you had already recorded.

this is definitely not a constructive criticism - you are a self obsessed maniac


Senior Member
[QUOTE 2463715, member: 30090"]Maybe so but for the 'greater good'? TC is right, ye old power dynamic needs a slap every now and then.[/quote]
Call me selfish but I don't really fancy getting knocked off my bike for the greater good. If I want to put myself in danger for the greater good that's one thing but I don't get to make that decision for other people.


Dropped by the autobus
You know what? I'm having a change of heart.

I used to be quite critical of cammers but now I'm slowly coming around to a "more power to them" attitude; largely because - whether I personally agree with their methods - they are at the vanguard of promoting a discussion which is becoming slightly more pressing by the day.

Firstly, it promotes discussion among fellow cyclists about how to ride safely and road awareness at the very least, and normally also how to best deal with this kind of confrontation. But more importantly it is slowly cranking up the debate on road safety itself.

I don't mean this as a foster of the "us against them" mentality, but no matter our own inwards criticisms of each other on how cyclist x has dealt with situation y, we are still collectively the vulnerable road group.

Maybe it is I, who is rather insular on the bike and brushes off close passes and poor driving with a mutter and a very occasional Rear View Mirror Death Stare, who would never dream of chasing down a driver for the benefit of "road-side education", who feels the best attitude to display is more inclined towards an "I survived, I can't be arsed to reason with a moron so let it be" lean, that is being selfish and counter-productive to the wider "problem".

Or maybe that whole paragraph is bull-hockey.

But I fear that one day - and I take absolutely no relish in making this prediction - one of these clips will be uploaded from a helmet who's prior occupant is no longer with us, the debate will go nuclear, and then all these little snipits we've had (whilst seemingly almost 'trivial' right now) will just add weight and momentum to the argument.

I may not agree with a lot of the "vigilantes" methods, but one day I may just personally be thankful that they've done so.

Gary E

I think they should market an Air-zound (or whatever it's called) that makes a Nee-Nar sound and if you put some blue filter paper over one of those flashing white LED lights it'd complete the effect :banghead:
Nobody is arguing that things need to be done to make cycling safer (both by drivers and cyclist) but Jesus all the guy needs now is a cape!
The words "Not in my name" spring to mind.
Sorry TC, I'm sure your intentions are good but I think you're doing as much harm as good :wacko:


the video showed that you were clearly not concerned for your fellow cyclists welfare - you put them at risk by a dangerous horn blaring undertake, you concern was in meeting - at any cost - your misconceived duty to chase down a driver whose number plate you had already recorded.

this is definitely not a constructive criticism - you are a self obsessed maniac
That's a first..lol


[QUOTE 2463724, member: 1314"]What's your regular commuting route, 'droid?[/quote]
it varies on what I have to do.. anything from 20 to 35 miles these days


[QUOTE 2463979, member: 1314"]Both ways? You ever come south of the river? I don't really tend to associate with Narf Lhandeners you see...:whistle:[/quote] Sometimes go North, West or south.. It was very tough in the South.. a bit daunting am afraid


[QUOTE 2463983, member: 1314"]You do any social riding outside commuting?[/quote] I did the " I bike London Thing " its long.. but too many stops and blackboard time.. felt like school.
Anyways loving the critical Mass thing.. all ages and all kinds of cyclists.
I am doing the naked Bike Ride 8th Of June.


That is exactly what it isnt. Whenever there is a video posted on this forums the same people reply with very nonconstructive criticism. It absolutely sickens me that we have cheerful pages such as the Welcome Mat and the Cafe and yet Commuting is full of very uptight, up-their-own-arses people saying the same things over and over again. If you want to say something pointless, do in in the comments of the video where that comment can be deleted by the poster, not on here where it should be a friendly community where good advice is given.
Things like "get rid of the cameras" and "you were at fault there" is not being constructive or helpful. It just makes the person feel bad for no real reason.
Problem is most posts are starting with "Look at this idiot motorist!" type phrasings. You then watch the video to see the cyclist look like an idiot & be the maker of their own problem. The problem is the OP has put a very aggressive message that they were in the right & the other person was in the wrong. This automatically is going to make people negative if they see that the OP was actually the idiot.

Two recent posts where people have asked "Did I do anything wrong?" style questions have been much more positive. It's much easier to give constructive input into a thread like that as the OP has started from a neutral position of questioning their own reactions & the actions of others around them.

In this case it was a 'hu?' at the initial rear view then. "Oh FFS!" as TD made a complete ass of him self by intimidating the poor cyclist for the second time, intentional or not it still is very intimidating having a horn like that blaring out for a long period. By this point I just stopped the video, I didn't want to know what happened because from that starting point it's only likely to go down hill very quickly.
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