Holding cars up...

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For someone who attests to find only joy in cycling and driving, you're easily aerated and disturbed by Mag's video. You're also very quick to detect crassness, artlessness and self-regard in the behaviour of others on a cycling forum. I'm adducing from this incongruity that your self-styled maverick status is little more than interweb posturing and quarrelsomeness.

It's also a bit rich that you, Mr Prolixity, would admonish someone else for indulging in a "mini-lecture"!

Tee Hee... No aerating or disturbance going on. My heart rate and blood pressure remain low. I do detect all those things (artlessness etc) but also had positive comments.

As to Interweb posturing, I fear you have a point. But if I'm going to be hanged for that we'll be building gallows until Doomsday.

Mr prolixity? Yes... I am about as verbose a bastard as you'll find on any forum, but there's a difference between splashing a few sentences on a forum where comment is invited and offering sermons in rush-hour traffic.

I fear my comments have offended many. I apologise for any anger caused. At the same time, I find I still agree with all that I've written on this thread. I don't claim to be right. It's just a matter of opinion, but mine seems to put people's noses out.

It would be much easier for all if I were able to take Helmetcammery more seriously... but nine times out of ten it strikes me as a Fast Show sketch that wasn't quite funny enough for the final edit.

I apologise for thinking that, too. :rolleyes:


Gravitationally challenged member
Welcome back Dave. Just ignore Bicycle, Luke's Dad and a few more - I'm sure you can recognise trolls by now! :hello:


Rebel without a clue
This is pure guess work but I have an inkling as to what is going through her head. She has been stuck in traffic for ages and is getting stressed about it. No sooner has she jumped off the front of one queue than she is at the back of another.

A rare opportunity to go at a speed that is not a crawl presents itself, but what should be in the way but a cyclist. A bleedin' cyclist. She's watched this git filter past her earlier and now he is in front and preventing her from doing the speed she wants to do. And he doesn't even pay road tax, so has no right to be in the way. Cue hull breach. Every car that has been in her way is it least a peer and is suffering the same problems, not so with the cyclist.

While the above train of thought has more holes than Rab C. Nesbit's vest I reckon that she was riding a train very similar to this. I pity her for the level of stress that builds up to this irrational and inappropriate outburst.


Cycle Camera TV
South Croydon
Ive been watching some of the OP's youtube vids
. This helmet cam thing is getting out of hand.

The guy is something else and my self exile from commuting forums since my bike radar days has thankfully saved me from this comedy show.

Picking on lone female drivers at traffic lights for actually doing nothing other than offering a hand gesture is quite low down on his list of achievements.

One highlight for me is the "you spat at me, you spat at me" incident with the taxi driver
who clearly passed him with over 3 feet to spare (wasnt enough apparently).

It makes me feel like throttling the next cyclist with a helmet cam who sticks it in my direction in an effort to justify having the damn thing on his head.
And that is exactly why i rarely post on bike radar.


Gravitationally challenged member
PS Thumbs up to Crankarm; I don't often agree with you since you gave up cycling, but you seem to be back on message now!! :thumbsup:


Über Member
West Sussex
Crap video. Waste of internet space and time. That's the main problem with the internet, it gives a free, unlimited platform, onto which anyone can upload sh1te that will waste your time.

There's nothing good, interesting, informative or useful here. Get back to your book.


Nr Cambridge
Crap video. Waste of internet space and time. That's the main problem with the internet, it gives a free, unlimited platform, onto which anyone can upload sh1te that will waste your time.

There's nothing good, interesting, informative or useful here. Get back to your book.

Don't sit on the fence why not come off and say what you really feel ;) .


Living Legend & Old Fart
Welcome back Dave. Just ignore Bicycle, Luke's Dad and a few more - I'm sure you can recognise trolls proper cyclists by now! :hello:

Corrected it for you


Legendary Member
Tee Hee... No aerating or disturbance going on. My heart rate and blood pressure remain low. I do detect all those things (artlessness etc) but also had positive comments.

By your own admission you were disturbed and your continued posts lead me to adduce a moderate to serious level of aeration.

As to Interweb posturing, I fear you have a point. But if I'm going to be hanged for that we'll be building gallows until Doomsday.

Mr prolixity? Yes... I am about as verbose a bastard as you'll find on any forum, but there's a difference between splashing a few sentences on a forum where comment is invited and offering sermons in rush-hour traffic.

I fear my comments have offended many. I apologise for any anger caused. At the same time, I find I still agree with all that I've written on this thread. I don't claim to be right. It's just a matter of opinion, but mine seems to put people's noses out.

It would be much easier for all if I were able to take Helmetcammery more seriously... but nine times out of ten it strikes me as a Fast Show sketch that wasn't quite funny enough for the final edit.

I apologise for thinking that, too. :rolleyes:

I don't think anyone is angry, perhaps a little perplexed at your stance on this and numerous cycling related issues.

I'm reductively blaming the disjunction between your user name and your posts. You seem far more fluent and knowledgeable when talking about motoring than cycling, nothing wrong with that per se, but as this is a cycling forum it's going to garner attention. If you resided under the nom de plume, "Mondeoman", it would be more apposite and I'd be much happier. ;) Can you you speak to Admin - think of my blood pressure....

Finally, I think your problem with helmetcammery, is that you take it far too seriously and you're in denial (hence your inability to ignore Youtube fanatics such as Magnaton and Mr_Hippo).

Dan B

Disengaged member
1611399 said:
I'd have to agree. I don't think of Luke'sDad as a troll. Bit of a wind up on a good day maybe but not a troll.
If that's how you tell a good day, I don't think I've ever seen him post on a bad day


By your own admission you were disturbed and your continued posts lead me to adduce a moderate to serious level of aeration.

I don't think anyone is angry, perhaps a little perplexed at your stance on this and numerous cycling related issues.

I'm reductively blaming the disjunction between your user name and your posts. You seem far more fluent and knowledgeable when talking about motoring than cycling, nothing wrong with that per se, but as this is a cycling forum it's going to garner attention. If you resided under the nom de plume, Mondeoman, it would be more apposite and I'd be much happier. ;) Can you you speak to Admin - think of my blood pressure....

Finally, I think your problem with helmetcammery, is that you take it far too seriously and you're in denial (hence your inability to ignore Youtube fanatics such as Magnaton and Mr_Hippo).


That's a very balanced reply and I thank you for it. Fair point about the name, but I call myself Bicycle on anything bike-related. Also, I simply couldn't drive a Ford. You could choose to see my name as some sort of poor attempt at irony if it would help your BP, but in truth it isn't. My Wiggle reviews are also under 'bicycle'.

Most of my posts here (fixie stuff etc) have no whiff of the car about them, but I do take a fairly mellow line about traffic transgressions that seem to upset some riders. Sometimes (only sometimes) I have a sense of latent car-bashing in some posts and I try to give the balancing view. I may push this farther than is prudent on occasion, but I'm no troll. I ride daily. I still have limited movement in my right shoulder after a SMIDSY a year ago (although it was a lovely little old lady who insisted on calling an ambulance and rang the next day because she hadn't slept for worrying about me).

I take your point about HelmetCammery. I don't take it seriously (or have a problem with it), but my posts may make it appear that I do. As to being in denial, I think I might at times choose not to take in some of the more dangerous behaviours I witness on the roads. I hope that isn't denial, but that's the thing about denial... How would I recognise it?

Again, thank you for not just ranting and calling me a troll. I appreciate that. I am a very keen cyclist and the progenitor of three more.

Bleak is the day when autumn rain and wind put me off going for a ride... but I think I accept the current hegemony of the motor vehicle on our roads and choose to ride around that. That may mark me out as the outsider more than anything else.
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