Holding cars up...

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Legendary Member
I dont mind negative opinions Bentmikey, just logging on tonight and noting your one off out of the blue keyboard warrior insult hit a nerve a guess.

As for the OP...get real, the bloke loves confrontation, clearly with lone female drivers and the rest. Im not into hero worshipping this type of stuff like some on here, to be honest his reactions are extreme to say the least.

But I guess it floats your boat..so thats okay then eh

You will learn what some are like :biggrin:


Cycle Camera TV
South Croydon
I dont mind negative opinions Bentmikey, just logging on tonight and noting your one off out of the blue keyboard warrior insult hit a nerve a guess.

As for the OP...get real, the bloke loves confrontation, clearly with lone female drivers and the rest. Im not into hero worshipping this type of stuff like some on here, to be honest his reactions are extreme to say the least.

But I guess it floats your boat..so thats okay then eh

His reactions are extreme?
Perhaps you should watch this... or maybe not as you might not be able to handle it.

]View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePB6IHrL0Qw[/media]


Legendary Member
The Cronk
Great minds discuss ideas,
Average minds discuss events,
Small minds discuss people.
- Eleanor Roosevelt
Don't let it get personal - or it'll be closed.


I pulled back from the forum a while ago as some of you will remember. Having popped back in, I now remember why I did it.

I just don't have the time and energy for this and so I am bowing out for good.

There are lots of great people on this forum, but there are also those that post purely to have a little fun at others expense. Whilst I am used to that and it is just an annoyance these days it is an annoyance I can't be bothered with any more. I'm enjoying writing my blog, tweeting and writing the book. So I'll stick to that from now on.

As for the other video posted with the 'lady' who hit my arm. Yes I swore. Yes I saw red mist. Yes it does not show me in my best light, but I have always strived to show cycling warts and all, and that includes my own warts. That is my guiding principle, if I am willing to show others mistakes I must be willing to show my own.

On that particular video I perhaps did not have the best road position, but did that give her the right to skim past me? I was in front of her, in clear view and the more vulnerable road user. Anyway, I'm sure there is a 50 page thread on this particular video somewhere, so look that up and resurrect it if you are interested.

Anyway, that's me for forums. If you want to know what I get up to, follow me on twitter. If you don't like who I am or what I do, then don't bother. To ensure I'm not tempted back I'll be asking Admin to de-reg me.

Safe cycling folks.


Legendary Member
Until the next time you pop in eh?:biggrin:

Hip Priest

That TesterAnimal fella is hilarious. There are a few good cammers out there, who impress me with both their riding ability and behaviour on the roads - he isn't one of them.


I think I've just witnessed my first cycle-forum flounce.

(Exit Magnatom stage left)

People write the most dreadful things about me on here too...

I'd like to say it hurts, but I can't really do so when much of it is true. :rolleyes:

Hip Priest

Struck me as a joke, not bullying. The majority of people on this thread were complimentary about the OP's vid. And the minority who offered criticism have been called names and all sorts.


1611464 said:
As shown above.

I'm not sure that's fair.

I'd agree that the OP was impolite in blocking the Freelander after filtering past it, excessive in his response to the driver, not in control of his temper and not cycling with the roadcraft he seems to expect from others...

...but I wouldn't call him a bully.
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