How did you get your user name

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Taking the biscuit
I drink an inordinate amount of tea.;)


New Member
Wallsend on Tyne
Because I'm hungry like a wolf!


It's my standard forum username, started on a non cycling one then C+ then BR
I worked for many years in a building called the WOLFson Unit and was born in April.


Legendary Member
near Hornsea
Someone already had bigtallfatbloke, so i had to think of something else :smile:

Mine's an old nickname, started off as Solty (shortened surname) & then somehow became soltydog. I don't know if it was my good looks, or the girls i used to attract that added the dog bit on the end :blush:


Because the "A" key didn't work all the time on a university PC when I signed up for a group and "graham" came out as "grhm" and the nick name stuck.


New Member
'cos I was looking at my old bike whilst choosing and that's what it says in big silver letters down the seat post.


My missus coined the phrase when I first put on a pair of cycling shorts as she has long been a fan of track and field (being a keen and successful sprinter in her youth) - I have thought about removing the lunchbox though (off the username, not through a sex change :blush: )


Senior Member
It's been a millstone round my neck since I first started using the internet in the mid 90's. I hate the ****er but it's my internet name now.


You need to give your wife some tips in making her admiration a bit more obvious :blush:

Indeed :biggrin:

It could have been 'Buster Gonad', but that would just be downright profane by comparison :smile:
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