How many people have the exact same name as you?

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Legendary Member
Full first/middle/last makes me unique.

However I know there is a person with same first and last name and about my age who is well known to the Manchester Police. He caused me a night in the nick when I was in my late teens, until my dad (same first and last name as well) came to get me out.

I also have the same first and last name with a well known maker of mosaics at Leicester Univercity yand an IT developer in Woking

Glow worm

Legendary Member
Near Newmarket
71,000 hits shared with a journalist in the Far East!

I've got an unusual name but it just happens to be identical to that of a well respected economist on the Financial Times. When the interweb first got invented, I used to post on a lot of pirate/ offshore radio forums (I know - shudder) using my real name - being young and foolish at the time. For some reason, any Google searches used to put the garbage, nonsense and drivel I wrote about obscure and dodgy radio stations at the top, above the the considered, professorial articles penned by said economist. I often used to wonder if it pi$$ed him off!


Getting old but not past it
North Wales
Some time ago, at CDG airport in Paris, the woman checking my ticket was surprised to see that my first name and surname was the same as her husband!


Not an uncommon name here. Shared with the lead-singer of a well-known crusty band and this loon....



Legendary Member
NE England
All three of my names are either unusual or have alternate spellings.

After dictating the correct spelling to anyone filling in a form I end up spelling the house number. It throws them that much!
And I'm unique as far as Google is concerned, all three references to my name are about me and there are no other matches.

All I know is I wish I'd been called John Smith!


Purveyor of fine nonsense
This thread and especially the discoveries about unwanted registries etc., caused me to google myself and I have just discovered that I am on an unexpected database, but of a different kind - the Internet Movie Database! (because I was interviewed in some documentary film).

I was scanning down the list of people with my name in the Google search results, commenting to myself:

"writer" Interesting!

"footballer" A little common, perhaps.

"astronaut" Wow! great!

"filthy cretin debased shameless pervert" Ah! Yes. There I am! They know me. How nice. Thoughtful too.

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
using this
I am an old commoner, 2498 with my name

I put my name in and it came back with 1*.

My Mum and sister also have 1, my Dad has two and my big brother 4, the whore! :biggrin:

* - Does that mean me, or is there one other person sharing my name??:blush:


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
There are thousands with my name; a white supremacist (now dead), high court judges, etc. I've met 3 of the people with the same name as well. Oh, and there are a lot of roads with my name too, including one about a mile away!
I'm common as muck..same name as my dad. Actors, cricketers,footballers,cyclists,generals,priests,revolutionaries all share my name. Bit of a pain as Im trying to trace my family back and there's lots of chaff to wade through.


There's quite a few of me out there, surprisingly as it doesn't look that common a name. I show up somewhere on the 2nd page of a google search.
The funnier thing is that my boyfriend's sister has the same forename and middle initial as I have, so if I ever marry him I'd end up with nearly the same name as my sister-in-law! (unless and until she got married, of course).
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