how much difference does lycra actually make?

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Well-Known Member
alright alright guys, just got back from aldi, bought my self some lycras!


Just call me Chris...
Well done :tongue:

Actually, I swore blind that I'd never, ever be seen dead in lycra before I started road riding. Now, I wouldn't go out in anything else ;)


North Wales
When I started riding I thought about wearing lycra, looked on Ebay a bit, and laughed at the "padded cycling shorts" thinking im not paying good money for them when iv got more than enough padding of my own:biggrin:
However, once my rides became longer than about 5 miles I had to have a serious re think as I realised jeans are too painful;)and I cant be doing with anything baggy flapping about.
I now always wear lycra shorts or leggings,or my jodpurs.Not confident enough to become a full lycra-lout just yet as I feel I might resemble an overstuffed sock,;) so wear a tshirt and/or fleece but try to keep the top half tightish too.


Cycling in Scotland
Auld Reekie
It depends on how far you are cycling, if you are doing longer rides it is definitely more comfortable. But I often see people in town just wearing it for the pose factor, if you have got the legs for it (and most regular cyclists do), why not...


I was a slow and reluctant convert to lycra, now I'm head to toe, I think it looks swish quite apart from being practical etc etc


New Member
OMG the thought of me in lycra makes me throw up a little into my mouth lol. Any suggestions for those of us just starting out, who may not yet have a figure that can carry off lycra.

Please have mercy on my work collegues who watch me stumble off my bike in sweaty tank top and cotton trousers, head for the loos, and emerge wiped down deoderised and wearing smart casuals.

Adding lycra to this mix may well push them over the edge!


Resting in suspended Animation
I think lycra is actually less comfortable than other things like jeans, shorts or anything else. I always find it strange how everybody else swears by it being really comfortable. Unfortunately it's very noticeable how much less drag you get through using it in comparison though even on a painfully slow bike. Also the weight of the clothes and how much they fold up are big savings too.


Legendary Member
The same goes for shoes and pedals - I weighed my old Shimano SPD shoes and pedals against my new Sidi road shoes and pedals and found the road setup to be an amazing 480gms lighter!


Legendary Member
I think lycra poses a considerable problem when trying to encourage people to adopt the bicycle as a mode of transport. Possible converts to cycling see these sportspeople on bicycles and think 'that's not for me', they do not realise that for the majority of utility cycling lycra is unnecessary and ordinary clothing is perfectly adequate.


Comrade Member
Limoges or York
That's very true. I never wore lycra to commute. In winter it was tracky bottoms (plus maybe a fleece) and windcheater and in summer ordinary shorts and a tee-shirts. With waterproofs when essential.

Out for jollies or touring tho' it's lycra for me.


New Member
On my gent's upright bike, my BSA shopper and when testing my GF's bike, I wear my patch lycra shorts underneath track trousers.

A good pair of shorts will have a patch with a tunnel down the centre.
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