Idiot politicians - who elects them?

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Voice of the people
2884976 said:
That is reminiscent of the BHIT woman's helmet photo, way to far back to be ideal. Still I expect it will qualify under the every little helps and a badly fitted helmet is better than none rule.
It's more like her face will protect the helmet from impact.
A Jewish keypar(badly spelled) looks bigger than that.


MOD Note:

Keep it On Topic and away from the appearance/gender issues, please. :thumbsup:


Über Member
Mole Valley
I don't understand her argument about cyclists flouting the Highway Code. There are very few people who use the highway that have ever read the Highway Code. I see numerous people, daily and to be honest (in my job), hourly flouting it. Cyclists and motorists.
Very few people own a copy, let alone have read it!
Basically, just a sad politico, jumping on a bandwagon, hoping to gain votes by attacking a minority, who are being let down by an ignorant minority within that minority.


Observation. The Euro elections are due in May. The person pictured is currently an MEP, ex-UKIP, not essentially without a party. The Monster Raving Loony has probably got more members (use that term carefully, too!). You really do have to be daft/offensive/staggeringly stupid to get thrown out of the collection of very strange people that is UKIP.
Now, if you want to get re-elected by a mainly disinterested electorate (about 20% max turnout for Euro elections) then you need to get publicity. And some people think any publicity if good. These people are called unelectable idiots, which I hope the good citizens of the region she is standing to represent will recognise. Always rememebr though, the old saying that we get the politicians we deserve.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
MOD Note:

Keep it On Topic and away from the appearance/gender issues, please. :thumbsup:
Oh, alright then!

So, she wants to see Boris bikes in the West Midlands. How exactly is this hi-vis with number plates supposed to work with hire bikes? Does she expect hire bike users to carry their own hi-vis tabards with registration numbers printed on them just on the off chance they might hire a bike? Now, that's really going to work, isn't it?


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
MOD Note:

Keep it On Topic and away from the appearance/gender issues, please. :thumbsup:
Surely the topic is about the politicians character ("idiot politicians" is in the thread title), and his/her gender issues are not unconnected with that?
I would have to question his/her judgement when he changed to she and then declared herself a lesbian. It begs the question, why did he bother to change to she? Probably at public expense, too.
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West Somerset
Some of the attitudes on this thread towards trans people are pretty shocking. I can only assume that - thankfully - many of you don't know what it's like to live with the fear of what others will think, say or do to you because you're different, because you don't fit into society's neat little boxes of what it is to be male or female.


Some of the attitudes on this thread towards trans people are pretty shocking. I can only assume that - thankfully - many of you don't know what it's like to live with the fear of what others will think, say or do to you because you're different, because you don't fit into society's neat little boxes of what it is to be male or female.

I guess she won't be heading to Uganda for a holiday any time soon then...We do live in a very tolerant and conservative society in the UK.


Random Resident
Another waste of space MEP sat on the gravy train cash cow we call Europe, spouting crap just to get column inches and her face in the news in the hope of raising her profile.
She will no doubt be on some TV reality show next.
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