Idiots on public paths

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They're called 'off road' ebikes.
Paths are not roads. They are 'off road;.

Erm, I think you need to do a bit of reading up on this one.

A footpath is not a place where you can legally use any vehicle (vehicle = cycle, e-bike, motorcycle, car, bus)
You are legally allowed to cross a public footpath with a vehicle to get into a property, but you are not allowed to cycle or drive along it.

When they say 'off road' what they actually mean is 'on private land', and not on any byway, and the reason for this is because it can only legally be used on the byways of the UK if it is type approved - licensed, taxed and insured as a motorcycle due to the power output exceeding the legislation currently in place for E-bikes.


Openly Marxist
Gotta hand it to @dashanova - if nothing else, this thread is making me feel a strange new sense of camaraderie with @Linford.


You know what folks. I can see this place is full of trolls, with nothing better to do who contribute to all the problems on the roads and paths (why do you think there is so many accidents every year?)
It's caused by idiots!
Bloody websites! All the same!

Yous complain im doing 15mph (under it actually) while yous boasted on other threads of your great speeds +20mph (yeah right). And how often yous cycle. How come I cycle everyday and never see another cyclist lol?!
Your all full of s***.

So I'm just going to leave because we have nothing in common.

Buh bye now!

PS Next time I wont slow down!

Thanks mods, but close my account now, theres no button to do it.

No need for a google of this as I already understand the legislation and limitations of E-bikes....Funnily enough, this forum is full of people who actually want to promote cycling (E-biking) even, but that will never be achieved by sticking two fingers up to everyone else.
Perhaps you bailing out is for the best as you are struggling with some serious anger management issues whilst everyone around you is fairly chilled out. I'm not surprised you get negative feedback in the real if you treat strangers on the street like this !


[QUOTE 2797374, member: 259"]Too late, Linf, he (or she)'s away in Flounceotopia.[/quote]

He will still get the email notifications ;)
FAreham and CRofton Cricket Club

Don't understand the concept of a shared use path and set up scoring tables, sun loungers, chairs and even at one point appeared to be a buffet table with a queue on the cycle track in front of the changing rooms. This is despite a mahoosive park / recreation ground that they can use, but don't want to walk an extra three or four feet
The path is all one.
Ebikes are allowed on paths if they exceed 15mph but not on roads.

Nope - they are allowed on private land, footpaths, cycleways and bridleways all come under the same regulations as roads in this respect


Legendary Member
I had an experience when out running a couple of years back, where I was on the path that doesn't have a cycle path, but the other side of the road does. What should zoom past me on the footpath, idiot on a bmx who almost knocked me flying. Why didn't he just cross over and use the cycle path? :crazy:


Legendary Member
Ok, there's a lot of good people on paths, not everyone sees (or hears) a bike approaching. Kids run out in front of you, dogs etc....That's fair enough and to be expected.
...But what experiences have you had with just...Idiots.

I'm going to share some of mine.

One night, very dark, I'm cycling down a well known cycle path in my area.
I've got two front lights and two back lights on.
The bottom lights are flashing, the top lights are very strong beams. (You can't miss them!).
So I'm cycling down this path.
My front beam is so strong that I can see two people approaching from a very good distance away.
My top beam is right in their eyes (I have it pretty high along dark paths), however I dipped the light as I approached and the bottom light is flashing.
...Guess what? They don't see me (or pretend not too) and walk right in front of my bike (which is a good 26 kilos (as it's electric)). I slam on the brakes and ask how the hell could they miss me?... The only lights for about 3 mile!!! And the guy apologizes and walks off. (The girl didn't say anything).
Personally I think they must have been taking the mick. I was sure I heard a little giggle.
He's just lucky I did stop and my brakes were so good because I was 100% sure they couldn't miss me, yet he actually made the effort to walk right in front of my bike just as I was about 3 feet from him. If my bike had hit him, he would have been severely hurt. Just stupid!

Another time, I'm chased by two pitbulls. - The owner doesn't call them off and eventually after about half a mile my jacket is shredded at the underarms where the dogs have been jumping and biting me. (I have protection against such things now, so that ain't gonna happen again).
I wanted to stop the bike and ram it up the owners bottom, but unfortunately the dogs were berserk and I was too ill at the time to fight off his two crazed dogs.

Oh another time! (I could be here all day).
...I'm going slow, i'm behind this woman (on a cycle path again).
I'm ringing the bell like you wouldn't believe.
She doesn't move an inch, just slowly keeps walking right in the middle of the path blocking my way.
I thought "Maybe she's deaf". (Even though there is very few deaf people and most have hearing aids, (but I still gave her the benefit of the doubt).
Just then someone else comes along the path towards me and says "Hi.........." ( whatever her name was). The woman says "Hello!" Back! - And both stop to have a conversation, right in the middle of the path!
I put on the brakes and then stop ask her what the problem was she couldn't stop.
Basically it boiled down to her hating 'lads' (I'm not a lad I'm 35 years old), and hating cyclists and she felt bikes shouldn't be allowed on the paths.
I said bikes have a right to the path, I used my bell, I shouted and if you don't move the next time, neither will I.

I've got many more experiences similar.
I just wonder, do other people have these experiences or is there a conspiracy just now, out to try to ruin every bike ride I go on?
I must say the roads are ok, although last week there was an incident where two hoodies screamed at me as I went past them which resulted in a scuffle and one of them being whacked over the head with an open plastic juice bottle which completely drenched him. (Very cold night too, must have been freezing when he got home heh heh).

Yeah I don't know about you, but I'd honestly say that everytime I go a cycle, there is some kind of story.
...It's usually just minor stuff, but there's always something.

I'm such a responsible cyclist; I do everything I'm supposed to do... if only others would do the same.
And why can't people on paths have a look around every once in a while to see if there's a bike or a horse or a runner behind them? - They just walked in a daze, it seems; right smack bang in the middle of the path where nobody can pass; immune to shouts, bells, screams...It's unbelievable.

Sound's like you would be less stressed riding on the road's
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