Incentivising cycling at work

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LOL, he's a realist, his world does not include fairies & unicorns

Well I must work in a more trusting place than you do then.
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Deleted member 26715

Well I must work in a more trusting place than you do then.
Not where I work, sad state of affairs if that’s the case

I inferred in a previous post somebody was naive to think it wouldn't happen, they took great pleasure in being offended by the remark so I'll not say it again, but unfortunately it seems to be human nature for a lot of people.

Some people would be appalled at the thought of theft from work, but it happens all the time, browsing the internet, ordering goods on line, checking Fleecebay, checking Faecesbook, going in 5 minutes late, slightly longer lunch, slipping away early on a Friday, calling at the supermarket whilst out on a job, all these are theft of time from the employer.

I reckon I could 100% guarantee that in both of your places of work it happens, it's you don't class it as theft.


I inferred in a previous post somebody was naive to think it wouldn't happen, they took great pleasure in being offended by the remark so I'll not say it again, but unfortunately it seems to be human nature for a lot of people.

Some people would be appalled at the thought of theft from work, but it happens all the time, browsing the internet, ordering goods on line, checking Fleecebay, checking Faecesbook, going in 5 minutes late, slightly longer lunch, slipping away early on a Friday, calling at the supermarket whilst out on a job, all these are theft of time from the employer.

I reckon I could 100% guarantee that in both of your places of work it happens, it's you don't class it as theft.

Oh I can assure you I have much thicker skin than to get offended by comments on a forum from strangers. I just ignore those that try.
Joey Shabadoo

Joey Shabadoo

My pronouns are "He", "Him" and "buggerlugs"
Thanks everyone for your views. We're concerned about the discrimination angle and also that we have a number of field sales staff for whom this scheme would be meaningless. So we're going to concentrate on improving the facilities and accessibility - for now.


Thanks everyone for your views. We're concerned about the discrimination angle and also that we have a number of field sales staff for whom this scheme would be meaningless. So we're going to concentrate on improving the facilities and accessibility - for now.

Reminds of the old TV sketch Traveling in Ladies Underwear but can't recall who it was.


Well-Known Member
Get a few good pictures up in office showing cycling scenes or benefits.
Engage with a lunctime session &talk through the plan, get a bit of cameraderee going
Ditch the time off incentive, boss already wants to police it &it’ll be devisive
Talk about cost savings benefit & hope your area is well covered with safe cycling Routes

Best of luck, shaking people out of daily routine never easy


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
We've got an app that can link to strava to earn points. My typical commute earns about 200 points, plus any strava walks or other rides. Only had the app a couple of months, and I'm over 5,000 points - a coffee is 1,500 points. I'm saving up for a decent golf umbrella, that's 15,000 points - shouldn't take long. :laugh:


Legendary Member
We've got an app that can link to strava to earn points. My typical commute earns about 200 points, plus any strava walks or other rides. Only had the app a couple of months, and I'm over 5,000 points - a coffee is 1,500 points. I'm saving up for a decent golf umbrella, that's 15,000 points - shouldn't take long. :laugh:

Who funds the goodies? You work in the public sector iirc? Does other spending get deprioritised or funded another way?


New Member
I've been given the task of encouraging people at my work to cycle instead of using the car to commute.
As the task is centred on the need for your employer to reduce emissions through an effective travel plan, to help measure year on year success there is the nationally accredited scheme, Modeshift stars scheme that you should look into adopting. This provides a range of tools to assist. There is also the DfT note LTN 1/20 on guidance for cycling provisions. Ultimately, as it is about reducing emissions, these can be quantified using Defra’s emission factors toolkit (EFT) based on the distances accrued by vehicle type and furthermore analysed based a published environmental / health damage cost estimates. Many businesses are doing this, but lack skills in quantifying / publicising the benefits. To me it is crazy why we have laws in U.K. to require businesses to publish food hygiene ratings, and yet comparisons of business travel are seen as voluntary.


Well-Known Member
I listened to an interview recently with Isla Rowntree and she pays people £2 per journey, ie £4/day or £20/week. It didn't address how people might cheat - that's so sad you have to consider that.
Not even enough to cover even a short public transport commute, let alone a train journey. A laughably low amount for anyone with a decent job.

The solution is to make parking a car expensive, limited and a hassle. At present due to free / subsidised parking, cheap petrol, zero public transport investment outside London for ~70 years & offensive price gouging on what does exist - car drivers are effectively being subsidised and saving money over everyone else while taking the most harmful and selfish transport there is.

It's between 4 & 8 quid to park all day near my workplace in the centre of a city (far too much parking available), while the train alone is gonna cost 20 quid a day for anyone living outside, and is subject to delays and less convenient - so they all drive. They should be paying 10x what anyone cycling or training it does just to park. We have a clean air zone charge, but again, at 10 a day it's less than many people's public transport commute, and in any case, doesn't apply to 99% of vehicles at present.


Well-Known Member
One possible problem to consider when offering rewards then this could discriminate against those who can't (disability / distance) cycle to work who then are not in a position to get these rewards.
DIstance is their own fault, and they only choose to live so far because of our cheap subsidised car use.
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