Is it just me?

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Or is anyone else taking a perverse delight in the current cold snap? I did a couple of lovely walks in the Pennines over Christmas, well wrapped up and then finished at a pub with a crackling fire. I watched a boxing day cricket match (yes, really), fortified by a mulled wine or two. The frozen ground makes winter MTBing more pleasurable than the usual Bristol gloopfest.

There are downsides of course - my hens don't seem very happy and the gas bill will be horrendous. And no doubt I'll fall off my bike tomorrow.


Resting in suspended Animation
I like winter night time cycling, apart from the knee pains that come with the cold. Otherwise very pleasant if it doesn't creep too far below zero after dark.


Senior Member
Birmingham, UK
User482 said:
The frozen ground makes winter MTBing more pleasurable than the usual Bristol gloopfest.

Yes, same here. The thing I hate more than cold is the time spent cleaning up bikes and slow progress through sticky mud where even flat tracks feel like steep hills. It's lovely to actually be able to get a bit of speed up. Plus it looks beautiful.


Cycling in the sun
Well I'm hoping it will kill off some of the bugs in the garden that they say have been overwintering in the mild winters.

Young Un

New Member
I was having a great time mtbing in the local woods with solid ground, was soo much faster than teh normal mud. Was good cus I needed some 'cross training and there were a few hills where i hiked the bike up onto my shoulder and ran them. Then my good ride was ended when I fell off on the road sectionxx(


Just call me Chris...
I love the cold ;)

It's kept me off the road bike for a while but the MTBing has been good :laugh:


Legendary Member
N Ireland
Rhythm Thief said:
I love the winter. The light is usually great for photography.;)

The winter light is something I too have enjoyed as I've completed my daily rides. The cold, but dry & calm, weather has been fab.


Legendary Member
The cold's fine but not the ice it brings with it. I should get out and go for a good walk to make the most of it.


Legendary Member
I am very happy when it is sunny and cold. But I hate dank, grey, foggy, cold days - which we seem to get a lot of in the Vale of York.
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