Is McDonald's under-rated as a bike stop?

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Eh up
Do you have any alternative explanation for why their packaging is littered lots more than others?

No I don't, but I don't think litter dropers are selective about what they take home or throw away, they discard everything, the closer you are to a Mac D obviously the more of their litter will be found, also they are very popular with young people, who in my opinion are more likely to litter and need educating about correct disposal, but the problem is not confined to the young .

I have on several occasions pointed out that they have left litter on the grass when a bin is less than fifty yards away, sometimes a good result, sometimes abuse, but without education I am sure some of them think its the normal thing to do.


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
I cant imagine one of the posh overpriced chains or grannies tea shop allowing that to happen.
While I'm not a big fan of grannies tea shops, I have dripped in some very nice cafes and posh pubs over the years and the worst I can remember is two pubs that asked us to remain in the bar if we wouldn't mind, rather that puddle on their posh floors in the restaurant. :laugh:

Sorry, been in a meeting with one of the worlds largest food processors discussing product quality and consistency.
It's all go at Sunshine Deserts, isn't it?

Gosh! It's all some big conspiracy to make it look as though you're rather foolishly generalising about stuff...
Gosh! You can't challenge that 29% of fast-food litter was McD's but you really have gotten upset about me pointing out that I only said their litter picks are PR stunts, not that they didn't happen... or is this about the zig-zag lines correction?


A friend with a child with a serious nut allergy told me that McDonalds was one of the few places he could take his child and be confident they wouldn't be poisoned.


Legendary Member
Simple. Snobbery.
Not just snobbery, but food preferences also. I've eaten there 3 times in the last few months (all night rides you'll be surprised to learn) and I found the food truly dreadful, the blandest of stodge, although the espresso was good. If others like it then fair enough, but I don't - or haven't done on recent visits.

Strangely on previous visits - about once every decade - I thought it was surprisingly palatable, though still not for me.Why that should have changed, who knows.


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
You quoted out of date figures (that related only top fast food litter in cities) as a validation of your claim that the majority of litter anywhere is from McDonald's... and then intimated that Keep Britain Tidy was somehow being silenced by McDonald's.
I linked 2009 figures because they're the latest ones I could find. Rather than sling mud like a scoundrel and use weasel words like "issues" and "ridiculous", please link any litter surveys published after McDonalds became founder members of Keep Britain Tidy's campaign, especially if they support the evidence-free counterclaim that Tesco bags are more likely (still? Now that they cost money?) than Mucky D ones.


Legendary Member
London, UK
I use McDonald's to check currency fluctuations. It's not accurate but it's the word on the street and since each a word is like the wisdom of crowds, it implies gospelness to me.

(What the heck is this dude on about?)


Never used Über Member
That's exactly how I reached out to McD regarding littering in the Peak District National Park. Not in an aggressive way, more to make them aware that it was happening and maybe it wasn't great PR for them as the litter was easily identifiable

No reply

A road into the countryside near here is clearly a Big Mac and fries from McD's as pretty much every Sunday morning you can see the wrappers scattered up the hill where they've been tossed from some tossers car. KFC also features quite a lot too.
Neither chain has responded to a polite email about their corporate image all over the verges and hedges though.

As far as I'm aware every branch has a regular "litter patrol" to remove any litter in the immediate area of the branch, although a cynic might argue this could be more to do with keeping the neighbours onside as being altruistic guardians of the environment.


Never used Über Member
Not just snobbery, but food preferences also. I've eaten there 3 times in the last few months (all night rides you'll be surprised to learn) and I found the food truly dreadful, the blandest of stodge, although the espresso was good. If others like it then fair enough, but I don't - or haven't done on recent visits.

Strangely on previous visits - about once every decade - I thought it was surprisingly palatable, though still not for me.Why that should have changed, who knows.

They changed the oil that they cook in a few years ago and the change was immediately apparent (and in my opinion, not for the better in terms of taste)

Walkers crisps did something similar and I've stopped buying them too...
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Wouldnt eat in there if it was free,coffee is dire and the food ! Mcdonalds,subway,starbucks ect,ect,not for me.Prefer to give my cash to a independent.

Me too but the independents aren't always open when its late, cold and wet. and the trouble with independents is that the quality varies wildly. at least you know that you are going to be let down uniformly in Maccie Ds (if that's your viewpoint).

its horses for courses here and as a stop in certain circumstances (which was the point of the original thread)

anything else should be over in society, culture and politics.............:whistle:


Eh up
A road into the countryside near here is clearly a Big Mac and fries from McD's as pretty much every Sunday morning you can see the wrappers scattered up the hill where they've been tossed from some tossers car. KFC also features quite a lot too.
Neither chain has responded to a polite email about their corporate image all over the verges and hedges though.

Totally agree about the tossers, but I see it that its them in the wrong and not the outlets, you don't have to litter, but I think an email response would have been polite.


Macho Business Donkey Wrestler
Generalise much?

McDonald's is one of the few companies that actually gets its staff out cleaning up litter...

Miss the point much? (As usual). I didn't say anything about McDonald's litter picking policy or their staff. They're good at clearing up, but then they have to be.
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