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Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
i thought people used cycle cams in case they had an accident - not to film people as they rode their bikes and reported every incident they recorded - plus isn't it against the law to film somebody without them knowing in the first place - unless your doing police or HMRC surveillance

some of you people need to get a grip and just go out and enjoy riding your bike, instead of trying to find reason's to film people and posting them on youtube
It is not against the law to film someone in a public place as you have no right to privacy out in public. Commercial filming is also allowed in public places (having been involved in this I can assure you it is correct). There would only be an issue if the photographer was harrassing anyone (for example a newspaper photographer chasing someone to get a saleable photo).
As far as i'm aware there is no law that prevents the filming of minors in a public place although I'm sure if you went out specifically to do that someone would be having words!

Agree with you on everyone getting a grip though!:thumbsup:


Über Member
maybe you think its a good idea to drive 40 tonnnes of lorry having a phone convo on handsfree. I think theres more on here and in the country that have the opposite view.
You had better ban drivers from talking passengers in their cars then, especially young kids. They are as/more distracting then speaking to someone on the phone. I'd also have a word with the police, they are obviously not capable of driving and communicating on their radios at the same time. :whistle:


What’s the point
You had better ban drivers from talking passengers in their cars then, especially young kids. They are as/more distracting then speaking to someone on the phone. I'd also have a word with the police, they are obviously not capable of driving and communicating on their radios at the same time. :whistle:

oh grow up FFS. theres a world of difference.


Über Member
How exactly? When you are speaking to someone who is sat next to you you are far more likely to take your eyes off the road albeit briefly to make eye contact.


Legendary Member
How exactly? When you are speaking to someone who is sat next to you you are far more likely to take your eyes off the road albeit briefly to make eye contact.

Don't hold your breath waiting for an answer. I'm still waiting to find out how night shift HGV drivers are supposed to prevent boredom on long motorway journeys, other than talking to their pals on hands free phones :rolleyes:.


Senior Member
Time to use that countryside again and ride your bike. I hate main roads and traffic, I tend to avoid them, in the 2 miles of commute I come across them I expect a moron in every car, why? Cos I've I've driven a car for 27 years and know what it's like. Just chill and enjoy and keep yourself out of trouble.


Cycle Camera TV
How exactly? When you are speaking to someone who is sat next to you you are far more likely to take your eyes off the road albeit briefly to make eye contact.
You started off well. But the distraction is not just about taking your eyes off the road.

Generally talking to passengers is not the same as talking on the phone. The main reason is that passengers are aware of situations ahead and don't pressure you for answers.
All though kids squabbling in the back hardly care about what stressful gyratory system you are tackling.


Legendary Member
Matthew, it appears your actions were more dangerous than the van drivers.

You notified that the van driver that what he was doing was illegal. In one of your recent posts didn`t you inform someone on a heap of a bike that there brakes were dodgy?

Before long mate, someone is going to smack you and I am surprised that you cannot see it coming.

What you need to do is forget everyone else and get on enjoying your cycling. Don`t go looking for other peoples faults, even though that is probably the main reason you have bought a headcam. What they do has nothing to do with you.

If you want to catch people doing illegal things then become a police officer.



Cycle Camera TV
Matthew, it appears your actions were more dangerous than the van drivers.

You notified that the van driver that what he was doing was illegal. In one of your recent posts didn`t you inform someone on a heap of a bike that there brakes were dodgy?

Before long mate, someone is going to smack you and I am surprised that you cannot see it coming.

What you need to do is forget everyone else and get on enjoying your cycling. Don`t go looking for other peoples faults, even though that is probably the main reason you have bought a headcam. What they do has nothing to do with you.

If you want to catch people doing illegal things then become a police officer.

Someone who is behind you.. on the phone, potentially not concentrating, has nothing to do with him? I think it has everything to do with his safety and many of us will call drivers up on that.


In between here and there
Is it really productive to pull up to a Moton's window and point out the errors of their ways? Do you really think if you escape without a nasty confrontation they will improve their driving\habits because you told them too? How do you think these drivers who have been confronted now view cyclists?

I have had my fair share of red mist rants where I have genuinely felt they had taken a risk with my life to help them progress, but after the mist has gone I think all I have done is cleansed my soul, and tarnished the overall view the driver has of cyclists, and of course normally this will have happend at a set of traffic lights so other drivers will also get a new view of a cyclist.

I have said it before, my rant finishes with the cleansing either with or without being able to get to the drivers window. But with cammers this anger continues way beyond the ride which seems counter productive, and rather unhealthy.

9/10 of the confrontations going by the look of shock on their face I think they really did not have clue how they had made me feel when they came within a knats cock of having me off.

I do not think your actions have any positive effect, even the potential of a £60 fine and points doesn't stop them so how can you have any effect by telling them at their window and pointing to your camera.


We all come across bad and dangerous driving regularly and sometimes it's very difficult to let it go, but you have to learn when and how to pick your fights. This one's a good example - you can choose after the event whether to report the driver to the authorities or to the company he works for - there is absolutely no need to remonstrate with him on the road.

There are a lot of very nasty and aggressive people out there and as has been said times before, you WILL get assaulted by one of them if you carry on as you are doing.

PLEASE listen to those of us who keep telling you to relax a bit.


Active Member
Why are we as cyclists being so anal about this and confronting these people... someones going to get seriously hurt one day confronting drivers about their offences... you are not the police, if you turned round and starting bossing me around like that I would tell you where to go. Yes I know its illegal.. I know that it causes less attention on the road meaning we can get hit by car drivers on their phones.. but is it not our place to confront people unless they have actually offended us personally. You should just report videos to the police if you feel the need to without risking a beating from an angry motorist.

Also while your concentrating on getting his offence on your cam your not concentrating on the road in front of you either... swings and roundabouts


Legendary Member
Gaz, there was never any danger there. The driver was shuffling along in traffic that was almost at a standstill. He was in full control of the van He would have been just as dangerous changing the radio channel or getting a sweet out of a packet.

Matthew had almost to swivel his head off to get a look at the guy on the phone.

I am 54 and have never had a cycle accident involving another vehicle. But now everyone wants a headcam in case they have an accident. I don`t buy that. I think a lot of riders want headcams to go out and do exactly what Matthew did here. To find other people doing things wrong.

Look on Youtube for motorcycle accidents or cycle accidents and I would imagine you will find a lot of film clips where the accident would not have happened if it was not being filmed by a headcam. It is not the headcam that is not concentrating, it is the head that it is on.

In the beginning webcams were to show us all images of what good rides you were doing but that all seems to be in the past. That is unless you go out and buy a very expensive HD Hero and those people tend to show good rides and not waste their money riding round to find van drivers on phones and other traffic offences.



Living Legend & Old Fart
Matthew, a lot of posters have given you sound advice but you seem to ignore it - why? I can make two suggestions either take the advice given or sell the bike.
Carry on as you are and you may make headlines in the national press and one of you videos will be a worldwide success - "Motorist performs colonoscopy on cyclist using cyclist's own camera"
You need to draw the line somewhere, regardless of if there is danger or not - using a mobile is illegal. As mentioned I'd send the e-mail but not in such an arsey way as you have written in the OP.

Maybe the School will invest in some hands free kit.
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