..a following motorist, coming up behind you in a double-white line stretch, and can't overtake without crossing the lines, hangs back and waits for a safe place to overtake? This happens now and then: happened last night and I particularly noted the fact. He/she was well behind me, not clinging to my rear wheel and intimidating me. Many another motorist would have passed me, safe or not: the HC says you can legally pass if the cyclist is doing less than 10mph, but I was doing more than 10mph. But so many drivers just see a cyclist as he-who-must-be-overtaken whatever the conditions!
I nodded through the motorist a hundred or so yards further on where it was clear to overtake. And gave a palm-up 'thank you' gesture as he passed. It's little things like this that make one feel good about being a cyclist...
I nodded through the motorist a hundred or so yards further on where it was clear to overtake. And gave a palm-up 'thank you' gesture as he passed. It's little things like this that make one feel good about being a cyclist...