It's on days like these.....

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Legendary Member
Worse than that. If we were in that fictitious pub I would be running for the exit xx(.
Lucky you have the bike with you tonight :thumbsup:


Tell you what bike fascists, man up and clear this whole thing up. I've made my point quite clear, but im a bit slow and linguistically challenged, so why not spell out your stance on this subject?

And dont bottle it by saying you already have. Your talking to a numpty here remember, now spell it out and we can all move on

Thats the point...their stance will be mysteriously ambiguous and include phrases such as

"lazy cliche"
"Don't let any facts get in the way of your observations"
"To be fair"
"Ah, the tired old "clique" attack"
"Bring it on"
"a creation of your mind."
"I thought you had gone."
"Nice talking to you too."
"Fine, join the list of people who think they can presume to decide what I think" (my favorite as it contains so many verbs that relate to thinking, and makes no sense)
"On the vanishingly small off chance that it hasn't been expressed clearly enough"
"Yes, you are getting there"
"You do realise that this is a forum for cyclists and not a moaning hard done by drivers one?"

And all these from 2 contributors! They repeat the pattern time and again throughout many threads. Hey, everyone's got to have a hobby!

They are quite talented though. take this sentence for example:

" I, for instance, am comfortable with the fact that you need to debate your perceived need for a car every so often."

While implicitly stating that one's need for a car is perceived, they also imply that they are comfortable enough to allow you to debate your position. So Adrian is saying that you are wrong (your need is perceived rather than real) and his evidence is that he will let you debate it on an open internet forum.

To quote another contributor



Bionic Subsonic
Unless you are frail and elderly, or disabled, something I feel certain people forget whilst they are relatively young, in full health and capable of cycling 100+ miles a week without problem. Just remember, there is a good chance that the mobility you now take for granted will be gone in the future.

I agree there are fewer options if you are less fit. However as I mentioned earlier the public transport alternatives are degraded by a large collective choice to use private cars. Unfortunately this means that when those who are too frail, elderly or disabled to be able to drive then have fewer alternatives to fall back on. This is no-one's fault - no-one is deliberately choosing to eliminate buses due to lack of use, but it is an example of where people are not able to choose to drive, and their other choices are diminished due to the unintended consequences of our lives being shaped around private car travel.


I know you are having trouble with this, but some of us dispute the premise of the OP, and the OP is blatantly adversarial. It really is that simple.

[incoherent mish-mash of quotations demonstrating precisely nothing] Clever....dismiss the previous post as irreverent while leaving it as a quote.
"I know you are having trouble with this"...Imply i am not clever enough to keep up with the thread...Nice
"but some of us dispute the premise of the OP"....Gather the troops
"It really is that simple"...and back to the "if you cant keep up" tone.

Im surprised you don't mention my spelling:

"Too right. Cafe folk are sticklers for correct spelling"

O you have...."YAWN"



Well-Known Member
Im going to post this for you again theclaud to make sure you saw it:

"Tell you what bike fascists, man up and clear this whole thing up. I've made my point quite clear, As has the OP, but im a bit slow and linguistically challenged, so why not spell out your stance on this subject?

And dont bottle it by saying you already have. Your talking to a numpty here remember, now spell it out and we can all move on"

come on old boy, man up and straighten this out


Im going to post this for you again theclaud to make sure you saw it:

"Tell you what bike fascists, man up and clear this whole thing up. I've made my point quite clear, As has the OP, but im a bit slow and linguistically challenged, so why not spell out your stance on this subject?

And dont bottle it by saying you already have. Your talking to a numpty here remember, now spell it out and we can all move on"

come on old boy, man up and straighten this out

Don't feed them!!!


Minkowski Space
Unless you are frail and elderly, or disabled, something I feel certain people forget whilst they are relatively young, in full health and capable of cycling 100+ miles a week without problem. Just remember, there is a good chance that the mobility you now take for granted will be gone in the future.

It might be also well to remember that many cannot drive a car through illness or disability. They don't have much choice either. Rather, they find themselves constrained by a society that has been shaped for the needs of the car.


Minkowski Space
I've never owned a car. I've never been able to afford to own a car. Which means that, yes, I've had to move quite a few times in order to be able to get to work, from one end of the country to another. Maybe not twelve times in twenty years, but not actually far off. And I'll most likely have to move again soon - not a pleasing prospect with a suspect ankle...

There is no doubt that having to live somewhere that you can walk, or cycle, or take a train or bus to work is constraining. But it is certainly possible. This is something that one third of the people in this country have to live with, so no, a car is not a necessity for most people. Unquestionably it is for some - and I couldn't cycle 25 miles into a fierce head wind either.

But what really troubles me is if this makes me a member of the "cycling taliban"? :rolleyes:


Never mind all that: you are being called old here :tongue:

My guess:

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