It's on days like these.....

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What’s the point
I work 12 hour (minimum and more like 12.5 hour) shifts and i can tell you, at the end of the day i am fit to drop, let alone cycle home.

I do cycle some days (better weather etc) but i dont want my cycling to become a chore, so drive most days.
I have just got back in after a 10 hour mentally and physically demanding shift . i rode in through horizontal rain and hail and needed to "tack" in places to make progress against the wind. I could have got in a car but decided what the hell. Oh and as i was on the back shift i rode in the long route of 25 miles .

ye si live in a city but i have kids - both fairly keen cyclists. youngest was most peeved when he couldn't ride in this morning as he would be going on the bus after school.

i am 40 and up to 4 yrs ago was a fat , unfit, smoker who thought he "needed " a car. I realised i didnt NEED a car and did something about it.


What’s the point
I love my car, and at times it's a necessity. My sons under 13 football league has a radius of about 30 miles. As much as we love cycling a 60 mile round trip plus a match may be a bit cruel!

I also work shifts in a busy kitchen. While I often commute (12 miles each way) in the week, the idea of riding back at 1 in the morning after cooking 160 meals in a 40+ degree kitchen is not appealing! I would get the bus but the last one leaves town at 10.30.

It's also the best way I have found for getting me and whoever else to the alps/Pyrenees for my annual summer jolly where it doubles up as a workshop and hotel.

I think if it weren't for my children I would buy a moped/skooter type thing for rough days and do what all my "I don't need a car" friends do, bother someone with a car occasionally.

have a similar thing with 11 yr olds swimming Galas - go out as far as Clacton . so we use public transport . we know when the galas are, much like football matches are planned. so we can plan the journeys.

see my post above rode home from central London at 1am this morning . I wasn't the only cyclist !


Openly Marxist
Im going to post this for you again theclaud to make sure you saw it:

"Tell you what bike fascists, man up and clear this whole thing up. I've made my point quite clear, As has the OP, but im a bit slow and linguistically challenged, so why not spell out your stance on this subject?

And dont bottle it by saying you already have. Your talking to a numpty here remember, now spell it out and we can all move on"

come on old boy, man up and straighten this out

Tell you what, young lady... How 'bout you try once more to stretch your brain round the crystal-clear stuff that's already there in black and white? You're already being indulged far more than you deserve.


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
I know you are having trouble with this, but some of us dispute the premise of the OP, and the OP is blatantly adversarial. It really is that simple.

"Adversarial" only to those with intolerant attitudes towards people who do not choose to live their lives as you, and your likes, would have them living it.


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
I've never owned a car. I've never been able to afford to own a car. Which means that, yes, I've had to move quite a few times in order to be able to get to work, from one end of the country to another

a car is not a necessity for most people. Unquestionably it is for some - and I couldn't cycle 25 miles into a fierce head wind either.

But what really troubles me is if this makes me a member of the "cycling taliban"? :rolleyes:

Not at all, your points are perfectly valid, and you concede that "a car is not a necessity for most people. Unquestionably it is for some" (although I would reverse your "most" and "some"). You've got a long way to go before your attitude is as Taliban like as the rabid anti-car brigade on here.


Well-Known Member
Tell you what, young lady... How 'bout you try once more to stretch your brain round the crystal-clear stuff that's already there in black and white? You're already being indulged far more than you deserve.

just as I thought, not man enough


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
Way-hey; the sun is out :sun:, there is no wind, and it's not freezing cold. I'm off to cycle round the Isle of Bute with a cycling buddy today. Trolls, keyboard warriors, and Taliban members; y'all have a nice day. At least try and get to the cave entrance so you can catch a glimpse of the sun :tongue:.


I have just got back in after a 10 hour mentally and physically demanding shift . i rode in through horizontal rain and hail and needed to "tack" in places to make progress against the wind. I could have got in a car but decided what the hell. Oh and as i was on the back shift i rode in the long route of 25 miles .

ye si live in a city but i have kids - both fairly keen cyclists. youngest was most peeved when he couldn't ride in this morning as he would be going on the bus after school.

i am 40 and up to 4 yrs ago was a fat , unfit, smoker who thought he "needed " a car. I realised i didnt NEED a car and did something about it.
Lucky old you eh ?


Well-Known Member
You might just be on to something there...

ok let me rephrase - not grown up enough

tell you what, you continue your flawed, unrealistic, nonsense argument that we should all make choices that mean we dont use our cars and im going to live in the real world, where i appreciate that a lot of people have no choice but to use their cars. It would be great if more people rode bikes and used their cars less, hell I just sold my car recently and haven't looked back, thing is it's not an option for a lot of people. Our entire system is built around people using cars, it will take a huge shift to make that change, which would be great, but it takes more than a couple of bike geeks on a forum to make that change. If your that committed to a car free world get out there and do something about it other than preaching and trolling on the interwebs.

So move on and stop trolling. It's embarrassing, your just making your silly little self look even sillier.



It's a bit more complicated than that...
Trust me, they are enjoying it more than us.
Trust me, you, kerndog and brandane are making *far* bigger fools of yourselves than anyone else.

One of you (I forget who) wanted a clear exposition of the argument. TC's posted that several times. Once it's become clear you're not listening, I'm afraid you're fair game.


It's a bit more complicated than that...
ok let me rephrase - not grown up enough

tell you what, you continue your flawed, unrealistic, nonsense argument that we should all make choices that mean we dont use our cars and im going to live in the real world, where i appreciate that a lot of people have no choice but to use their cars. It would be great if more people rode bikes and used their cars less, hell I just sold my car recently and haven't looked back, thing is it's not an option for a lot of people. Our entire system is built around people using cars, it will take a huge shift to make that change, which would be great, but it takes more than a couple of bike geeks on a forum to make that change. If your that committed to a car free world get out there and do something about it other than preaching and trolling on the interwebs.

So move on and stop trolling. It's embarrassing, your just making your silly little self look even sillier.

Talking of looking silly - you told us you'd had enough half a dozen pages ago. Flounces only work with a follow-through.


It's a bit more complicated than that...
With all due respect to Pat (who commutes Rutherglen to Glasgow SECC, about 4 miles each way on city streets and paths) and other commuters, the point I was trying to make was the combination of several factors. Weather, distance, time involved on top of 12 hour shifts, and worst of all - the A737 and A760. Utter madness IMHO.
Largs - Paisley? There's a damn fine train service that would be the envy of most of the country. On a bike the A760 is completely avoidable via the Lochwinnoch bike path. Damn fine tarmac.

Of course it's your choice...
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