James Blunt has just claimed on 5 Live that he...

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Legendary Member
Have to add meself to the roll call of those somewhat baffled by the extent of general loathing for Blunt. Ok, so he wrote one sloppy song, but there are worse crimes surely? And as someone said above, on Top Gear he came across as a thoroughly amiable cove with a decent sense of humour and a deft touch with the old self deprecation, which always goes down well hereabouts. 


pre-talced and mighty
You're confusing the lovely Hugh with his Marvel character, Dell. Wolverine is a 5'3 hairy barbarian mutant with adamantium claws who carries a permanent aroma of wet dog and hails from Canada.

Hugh Jackman is a strapping 6 foot tall Australian who also happens to be quite a good dancer.

Tom Cruise, on the other hand, is minuscule, although I blame that state of affairs on his prior existence as a space clam.

you reckon?
Australian actor from X-Men. Van Helsing director Sommers says, "six-foot-two and 210 pounds of solid steel".

Jackman in his own words, "I'm 6-foot-2, so I'm too tall to sit comfortably in most chairs". Sometimes at events he will wear those ultra-thin style trainers that only give 1cm, compared to 3cm for a shoe so might appear to be shorter.

Not huge, just big Jackman ;)


Über Member
WW3? Why not? After all, WW1 kicked off in the Balkans, after the assassination of one man.

Russians vs Nato, Serbs vs Croats, Catholics vs Orthodox vs Muslims, Greece vs Turkey vs Bulgaria, potentially explosive.


Evidence based cyclist
I think that World War III would have been a small price to pay for not having his vapid drivel inflicted on humanity.
And I'm not alone.


New Member
People droning on about how they 'hate' that song, are far more annoying than the song itself. It doesn't matter how you say it, even if you believe you're being funny, it has been said before.... thousands of times, it's not original. Besides there are many worse tunes around the charts, I point you towards Keisha, you'll have a lot of fun making up crap jokes about her work as well, just don't bore others with it.
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