Jeremy Vine.

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Especially as they're riding on the outside of the group, they look like they're in a protective position.

Do we know who all these riders are anyway? Is it an organised group or just a couple of coppers and a bunch of randos?

Road peace apparently, also at 1:31 one of their riders can't even set off properly, he fails to clip in and scoots along, possibly in too high a gear to get going, whilst Mr undue care and attention continues to wobble all over the place, what an epic fail from everyone involved.
There's definitely something wrong there! Don't you think?


Smash the cistern
Road peace apparently, also at 1:31 one of their riders can't even set off properly, he fails to clip in and scoots along, possibly in too high a gear to get going, whilst Mr undue care and attention continues to wobble all over the place, what an epic fail from everyone involved.

Yeah, crosses into the other lane and nearly* ends up under a taxi.

*Emphasised for dramatic effect but it does look like the taxi driver has to take a moderate amount of evasive action.


Don't suffer fools gladly (must try harder!)
Has no one else on here done the odd tactical wobble to try to discourage a driver from being a daffodil?
When approaching a traffic island where there is (just) enough room for a car to squeeze past, but no way they can do so safely IMHO - yes.


Resolutely on topic
Road peace apparently, also at 1:31 one of their riders can't even set off properly, he fails to clip in and scoots along, possibly in too high a gear to get going, whilst Mr undue care and attention continues to wobble all over the place, what an epic fail from everyone involved.
Cyclists that are less than - it would appear - Cycle Chat expert level are still entitled to use the roads with some expectation of safety, despite making mistakes. Some of the riding was not great but errors like that shouldn’t cost lives merely to allow groceries to be delivered on time. It’s the overtaking lorry that had the means to cause harm, not the riders, so the driver should have slowed and waited for a safe opportunity to pass. The alternative is to accept that somehow the cyclist “deserved it.”


Resolutely on topic
No, it's perfectly possible to conclude he was an idiot without expecting that he should pay the price for it.

So, to be clear, should the lorry have waited for an opportunity to pass with a wider margin than we saw?
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I like steel bikes and I cannot lie..
They gave blonds with long hair the most room apparently. A study carried out by a uni research group tested that and the male researcher wearing a long blonde whig got similar space to a blond female rider.

Can't show you the source but it was on a cycling forum in na link to the research years ago.
lol - good job I've got long blond hair then :laugh:


So, to be clear, should the lorry have waited for an opportunity to pass with a wider margin than we saw?

No, because the width of the road was sufficient for the LGV to pass, it wasn’t speeding, didn’t deviate from its lane, but the cycling plod was too far across, had crap bike handling skills, then at the lights, one of the road peace riders was incapable of setting off correctly, this was one massive own goal that has done no good to any cyclist, well done Jeremy Vine, Met Police and road peace


Resolutely on topic
the width of the road was sufficient for the LGV to pass
On this occasion it passed without causing injury. Are we saying that close passes are acceptable as long as no contact is made and that the white paint is not crossed? What is the point of the 1.5m guidance if 0.5m is normalised?

Deleted member 26715

On this occasion it passed without causing injury. Are we saying that close passes are acceptable as long as no contact is made and that the white paint is not crossed? What is the point of the 1.5m guidance if 0.5m is normalised?

As @mjr has decided to ignore my question at Post 101 maybe you would like to answer it?


Resolutely on topic
As @mjr has decided to ignore my question at Post 101 maybe you would like to answer it?

Is there a difference between a slow moving lorry passing stationary cyclists in order to turn right, and one that appears to be travelling at near the speed limit passing close to wobbly cyclists? I think there is.

Edit to add: feel free to answer my questions in post 147. They were in response to @DRM but a variety of views would be interesting.
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Deleted member 26715

Is there a difference between a slow moving lorry passing stationary cyclists in order to turn right, and one that appears to be travelling at near the speed limit passing close to wobbly cyclists? I think there is.

Edit to add: feel free to answer my questions in post 147. They were in response to @DRM but a variety of views would be interesting.

Why do you believe that a lorry turning right would be travelling at any other speed than the speed he was overtaking in the twitter clip?

In answer to your question, inappropriate speed, I spend most of my road riding on roads that are probably less than 4M wide, it would be physically impossible to give 1.5M on all occasions, as long as the overtaker does it with consideration then it's something we outside of the centre of the universe live with. What is unacceptable is when I get overtaken with less than 0.5M by cars doing 60-70mph when they are doing it on purpose & have no reason to do so.

If the 1.5M rule is to be adhered to then that road needs to have the white line removed & made into a single lane.
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