Left standing & completely embarrassed!!

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In between here and there
You were going backwards, don't worry about it...

Seriously had you toed it and grabbed the last mans wheel you could have drafted along and chilled out for a while
Its all relative, for instance in any race the breakaway will be going a considerable pace yet they are swept up by the peleton as if they were standing still.


Legendary Member
There's always someone faster, there's always someone slower - so nothing to worry about.

A few years ago, I was feeling pleased with myself for being able to exceed 30mph on the flat (with help with a slight tail wind) when another cyclist shot past me:evil: but in my defence I had only 46/14 as a high gear.
Everyone who overtakes me is only popping to the shops for a pack of Rothmans... Even if there are twenty of them in identical club kit. If they were going as far as I was, they wouldn't get close.

Everyone I overtook (if I ever actually had) would be doing likewise.

I plan to pass another cyclist some time soon, but middle age is creeping up and doing battle with the fitness and confidence that have taken several decades to emerge. I fear age will win.

But rest assured, in my day I could have... Oh, who am i trying to kid?

Carry on.
situation normal for me, If I pass anyone they are either standing still or going the other way. - and I know the standing still ones will be passing me very soon.
I'm thinking of getting a sign on the back of the bike - "warning slow moving vehicle"

Me too. I sometimes get a bit despondent about how everyone seems to be faster than me.

But I console myself with the thought that absolutely nobody has more determination than me, and I will always get to my destination in the end. Even if it is several days after everyone else. ^_^
Lovely morning in Kent today so rude not to pop out for a couple of hours and 35 miles clocked.
Now, I'm very new to road biking and considered myself a young fit 51 yr old!
But,today in between Wye Crown, and the drop down into Braybourne Kent I was passed by two groups of 5-6 riders who just blasted past me like I was stood still! i didnt even get a chance to say "Mornin" I was so shocked at the pace they were going at and feel a tad embarrassed! Just said to myself "dont worry Andy, you've done 30 odd miles" Nah, not made me feel any better at!
Fair play to fittness chaps, I tilt my hat..

:hugs:ignore 'em !


Senior Member
I got overtaken many times last Thursday on my long ride, quite a few of them said 'hi' too. I gave up and pushed quite a few times (my excuse is I have been ill :laugh:). Had an embarrassing moment when a man who must have been nearly twice my age asked me if I was having problems as he rode past me pushing the bike, I told him no, just knackered and laughed while he pedalled off on his way seemingly effortlessly. :blush:


Über Member
Going up dinton hill on sunday (out of wyle ) - its a sht of a hill it starts really steep then drags at steep for ages, so the first bit blows you then the rest just kills, - well for the first time in ages I managed the whole hill without stopping, but about halfway , hanging by my chinstrap, singing to the sheep to keep going I,m overtaken by a guy as if I was on the flat.


Lovely morning in Kent today so rude not to pop out for a couple of hours and 35 miles clocked.
Now, I'm very new to road biking and considered myself a young fit 51 yr old!
But,today in between Wye Crown, and the drop down into Braybourne Kent I was passed by two groups of 5-6 riders who just blasted past me like I was stood still! i didnt even get a chance to say "Mornin" I was so shocked at the pace they were going at and feel a tad embarrassed! Just said to myself "dont worry Andy, you've done 30 odd miles" Nah, not made me feel any better at!
Fair play to fittness chaps, I tilt my hat..

Yeah, yeah - scum:cursing:

(see other thread :thumbsup:)


... until you finally catch them up at a level crossing to find that they were some pro riders on a hard training ride.

Good pace for a non-competative rider. However for racers that's a little more than base mile pace.

hmm-not sure that's true?
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