LEL 2017

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Senior Member
3:15 to Start Ives for group C. Overhauled a few A wave riders.

Going to drop off the back and slow down now I have some time in hand.


Senior Member
On my own to Spalding spinning gently on the aerobars to save my knee.

Still making up time on the schedule because they stole all the flat from the rest of the UK and stored it here.

Pale Rider

Legendary Member
I am unable to volunteer this year, but that didn't stop me fitting a quick snoop around the Barnard Castle control into my busy schedule.

All appeared to be running smoothly, helped by having the posh school's caterers - the kitchen was the centre of some organised chaos last time when we were running it.

I'm told the school's catering manager is ex-army, and he remarked he routinely feeds 1,100 hungry schoolchildren in an hour, so the prospect of a few hundred cyclists at a time doesn't faze him.

I had a few words with @User10119, who was on brevet card stamping duty.

She worked ludicrously hard in the kitchen last time, so if anyone deserves a more relaxed volunteering experience, she does.

On the subject of food, apparently there have been some shortages at controls further south, which has led to some swift restocking to prepare for the homeward bound riders.

I also had a few words with some of the riders, including one who was returning to the control having forgotten his helmet.

Perhaps inevitably, he didn't remember it until he'd already done the draggy ciimb through Barnard Castle.

The Dutch guy who was the fastest last time is riding again.

I was told he's already left Edinburgh.

The first to arrive at Barney - 475km - did so at about 10pm last night.

Steady trickle arriving when I left the control about noon, with a bulge expected mid-afternoon.

Here's a pic of the bike park:



Senior Member
Have just left Brampton heading for the 'scenic' route to Moffat as I'm ahead of schedule and the weather is good.
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