Man v Rain

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I love rain riding too. Had a tremendous downpour today, the sound of the tires on wet roads I find really soothing. I am a bit odd perhaps.

I also like giving the steed a clean up as a thank you. She is sparkling away in the shed ready for tomorrow's adventure.

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
I also like giving the steed a clean up as a thank you. She is sparkling away in the shed ready for tomorrow's adventure.

Blimey! Riding in the rain IS giving the bike a clean ....


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I got rained on twice today but I also don't mind it when I'm out. There is something rather nice about cycling along in the rain.


New Member
I love cycling in the rain but I need to get a pair of full mudguards for the club rides and such, hopefully ones that keep spray to an absolute minimum. No point doing things in half measures. The only thing I avoid in the wet is often the local woods, not worth the mud and danger most of the time (riding a hybrid).


As long as my torso is warm and dry I love riding in the rain.

My only concern are the hidden potholes. Clerkenwell Road eastbound the other week in the heaving pouring rain was an experience ;)


Active Member
same, i find i enjoy the rain and it is very energizing, the problem is, its hard to get rain without wind, cold, and idiotic drivers


Almost got out tonight, But then the sky turned black and it bucketed down. So put bike away and sat watching the rain, telling myself " I'm not a wimp" it was raining really hard!!!!!!


I went out today, it was absolutely lashing it down when I left, so I had my lidl long tights (very warm!) long sleeve jersey and thick softshell waterproof coat plus long gloves.

For about 5 minutes it was great, I was warm and dry, then it stopped raining and the sun came out.. And it stayed out and boiled me from the inside out for the next 1hr 40 minutes. I was soaked when I got home, and not from the rain, I haven't sweated that much for a long time!


Well-Known Member
Hemel Hempstead
Thank God for the BBC weather forecast! They predicted heavy rain in Hemel Hempstead from about 4am onwards. Up at 5am, no rain. Put on wet weather gear (it always starts about 5 minutes down the road). Cycled 35 miles and only suffered a few drops, and stayed pretty much bone dry! ^_^
But then ... Monday was predicted (again by the infamous BBC) to be dry. Out in the dry weather gear this time. Five minutes later it started. Didn't get drowned, but wet enough .... I need a new forecaster.


Über Member
I am a fair weather cyclist. If I get caught out, that's ok, but if it is pouring I don't go out riding until it has stopped.


Active Member
how i felt this morning


Banned member
South West
Well have been cycling all summer and got to say found it very addictive and enjoyable. Whilst the weather this year has been great I haven't yet been out in the wet on my bike. So today was the day I thought I'd give it a go to see if I'm a fair weather rider. Well managed just short of 30 mile soaked to the bone but the funny thing is I still loved it. So bring on the winter I say :-)
get soaked when it's 3 degrees C isn't a good idea and could lead to hypothermia with the wind chill too. Summer rain is fun(ish) Winter rain needs special and usually very expensive clothing.
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