Manners - which do you miss?

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It's a bleedin' miracle!
Rorke's Drift
I'll tell what makes my blood boil, the local crematorium!


Vice Admiral
Why do people not have the patience to wait for me to be all the way through the door (that they have held open for me) before letting go of the door? Do they expect me to thank them profusely before I am even halfway through the door?

Is it just because they are young and can move so fast? I had just left the physiotherapist and felt rather stiff and in pain.


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
That goes back to horse and cart days, when a heavily laden cart could be impossible to start again on a hill.
...and my old Beetle, [edit: and me on my bike for that matter].


Dog on a bike
2284502 said:
The people of Accrington have a tendency to ignorant rudeness? Is there a discernable mechanism or cause for this or is it prejudice?
This page gives clues. Check out the shopping venues available to them plus the fact Hayley from Coronation St is from there. It's also never really figured out if it should just give up the ghost now and merge with Blackburn.


Über Member
[snip]And I don't know if this is manners as such, but working at the till I find it really rude when people throw their money down on the counter.I'm holding out my hand, put the money in it!
Convention? At the till in most French shops there's a shallow bowl. It used to be that you put the change in there, the shopkeeper picked it up and then put your change back in said bowl for you to pick up. Trivial I know but if you tried to hand them the change directly they got most offended. I'll bet it was a bowl of vinegar in olden days to reduce the risk of infection & when all ££$ was in coins..


Legendary Member
People who don't put their hands over their mouth when they cough or worse, sneeze. I don't want your germs....


Not your hand please - you just spread the germs next time you touch anything: current best advice is crook of the elbow.


Legendary Member
I know this is probably more pub ettiquete rather than manners per se, but also; round variance. The first one; beer, the second one beer, the third one beer, it just so happens to get to your one when some weeble - who bought you a £2.50 ale - asks for a £4.00 double or some exotic cocktail in return. Which of course then prompts several fellow drinkers to follow suite. Wait for your round to come back round before changing up you arse.

just as bad is....

a few of us would go out for a beer or few, you know the way it happens: 3 guys, 4 rounds someone ends up buying two rounds but over time it averages out. Not with (lets call him John) he would avoid buying the first so that he would never be caught wit the extra - unless a forth guy was joining a little later, in which case he would rush up the buy the first (ie smallest) round.
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