Manners - which do you miss?

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Montreal has a peculiar standard when walking in the street. In England when approaching someone walking towards you you would both take half a step to one side without hardly noticing, not here! Here, you brush by people at the last minute they having seemingly just noticed you.
No matter how much I tried to dodge them, I never had so many people ram straight into me when walking as when I first moved to York... /counterpoint


Rohan Man
Bugbrooke UK
Simple pleases and thank you's get me, they cost nothing yet so many people seem unable to use them.

Spot on. When did the request 'excuse me please' drop the please and become a command ?

Trail Child

Well-Known Member
Ottawa, Canada
If anyone's objecting to the use of "mate" should replace it with the Canadian use of "bud" or "buddy" or the American use of "man" or "dude" and see if you like that better .... ;)


Senior Member
What really boils my **** is people being polite when it doesn't help anyone. It's irrational and perhaps a bit grumpy of me but I'll try to explain. (Mrs Cube doesn't quite see why it's irritating) I live at the top of a lot of hills. The roads up to the top are steep, and being residential are littered with parked cars. I tend to plan ahead when I'm driving, and if I see a car approaching the other side of a car parked on my side of the road I will slow, change gear and get into a position to let the approaching car pass. I've done all the necessary preparation, and am timing it to suit me. As the gap clears I will go into the routine of getting the car going again, possibly, but not always a hill start from a standstill, but the timing all depends on the approaching car doing their bit, ie going through the gap I'm leaving them. All's going really well until the (in)considerate b*stard stops the other side of the obstruction and flashes me through. I don't want them to f*cking let me through, they've just bolloxed my finely judged routine. HOW F*CKING DARE THEY???
It used to be the “rule” that a driver coming down the hill would give way to one going up.


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
It used to be the “rule” that a driver coming down the hill would give way to one going up.
Good call! Where on Earth did that protocol come from? I find it much harder to reverse going uphill that downhill.


Dropped by the autobus
And don't start me on people who don't get their round in...

I know this is probably more pub ettiquete rather than manners per se, but also; round variance. The first one; beer, the second one beer, the third one beer, it just so happens to get to your one when some weeble - who bought you a £2.50 ale - asks for a £4.00 double or some exotic cocktail in return. Which of course then prompts several fellow drinkers to follow suite. Wait for your round to come back round before changing up you arse.

If anyone's objecting to the use of "mate" should replace it with the Canadian use of "bud" or "buddy" or the American use of "man" or "dude" and see if you like that better .... ;)

I was going to say that. Its found its way into the South West of England thats for sure.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
*sniff* You can go off people, you know... *sniff*

2281953 said:

just because you missed it

I was there.. I was a witness. In fact I think this photo was the exact moment Mac was buying ME a pint. :thumbsup:


I miss children saying "thank you for having me" when they've been round for tea. I was brought up to thank the adult whose house it was I'd visited and have taught my children to do the same, but not many others do it seems.
Manners seem to go out the window completely in the supermarket too. Nobody says excuse me, they either stand tutting behind you until you realise and step out of the way, or they barge past-or as happened to me last week, they push you not so gently with their trolley and make you move!
And I don't know if this is manners as such, but working at the till I find it really rude when people throw their money down on the counter.I'm holding out my hand, put the money in it!
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