Michael Jackson......

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Mr Pig

New Member
What colour do you think his coffin will be? I vote for white. Or maybe brown, turning white half way through the service.

I hear Garry Glitter is already asking if Jackson's computer will be up for sale.

Actually, I don't buy the pedophile thing, I don't think he was one. Weird, child-minded sure but I don't think he was into kids sexually.


Legendary Member
Mr Pig said:
Actually, I don't buy the pedophile thing, I don't think he was one. Weird, child-minded sure but I don't think he was into kids sexually.

Me neither. He was certainly odd but I think he was harmless enough. He just seemed to have a mental age of about 12 IMO.

Whatever, I hope it doesn't detract from his musical legacy.

Mr Pig

New Member
tyred said:
He was certainly odd but I think he was harmless enough. He just seemed to have a mental age of about 12 IMO.

That's what I think. He operated that theme park for years, had thousands of kids around him all the time. If he'd messed with them there would've been much more evidence, they would've nailed him. I think he was set up and exploited.

Andy in Sig

Vice President in Exile
I read up to page five and Tdr1nka's post. I still think Jarvis Cocker was bang in order. It always amazed me that the people who gave us Louis Armstrong, Charlie Parker, Dexter Gordon, Jimi Hendrix and Muddy Waters could produce a trivial loon like Jackson. The real tragedy is that weekend will be full of him. No loss IMO.

Now the above is my reaction to the public figure/musician. As to the private bloke I always thought he was a tragic, screwed up mess who must have had rotten friends to indulge him by letting him go the way he did. There must be a lot of people who ought to be feeling guilty if they have consciences. So in that sense it seems like a release for a tortured soul.


Well-Known Member
What do children and heart attacks have in common?

They both made Michael Jackson stiff!



Master of the Inane Comment
Andy in Sig said:
The real tragedy is that weekend will be full of him.

I know what you mean. I thought it sad when I heard the news, but since then it seems to have dominated the news channels and outlets. Considering what is going on in the world at the moment, the time devoted to this is too much for its importance.


Surprised to hear me say this, but in terms of popular culture, MJ was an icon. I'm not the greatest fan of his music (except the early stuff) but I stayed up until 2.30 in the morning to see the first airing of the Thriller video. One of those things when you can recall where you were when it happened (Cottingham Road Halls of Residence, Hull, either 1983 or 1984). My kids love his music as well. He was misunderstood I think. And there's absolutely no one like him.


Jacko's HA resulted from being caught red handed by a Doc. after being found in the Childrens ward when having a stroke...the Dr said - dont blame it on the buggy

- one of the lads here told us this.
ChrisKH said:
Surprised to hear me say this, but in terms of popular culture, MJ was an icon. I'm not the greatest fan of his music (except the early stuff) but I stayed up until 2.30 in the morning to see the first airing of the Thriller video. One of those things when you can recall where you were when it happened (Cottingham Road Halls of Residence, Hull, either 1983 or 1984). My kids love his music as well. He was misunderstood I think. And there's absolutely no one like him.

I once modelled a plasticine man that wasn't a million miles away Chris...

I agree with anyone who thinks that all the hype is too much too often.
Easy 'news' - tough news topics tend to get sidelined.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Unkraut said:
I know what you mean. I thought it sad when I heard the news, but since then it seems to have dominated the news channels and outlets. Considering what is going on in the world at the moment, the time devoted to this is too much for its importance.

I think it's probably the case that in depressing times, any story that doesn't remind us what's going on will get a lot of coverage, as a sort of reaction against the gloom - even if it's sad story, but has a showbiz glitter - like Jade Goody.

I don't know about the paedophile thing, I think, like others have sad, he had a crazy childhood and his reaction ended up being to turn rather childlike himself. I feel a bit sorry for him, I imagine he's been pretty mixed up for a long time, and was probably never able to just take the money and live an easy life.

Also, isn't a heart attack a really dull way for someone so 'odd' to go? You think he'd have wanted something more glamourous. (I know, he couldn't choose, but if he had....)


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
And of course, although I'm not really into any music or artiste in a huge way, there will be a lot of people to whom this is a very personal grief, people who were devoted to him...


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
alecstilleyedye said:
depends on what caused the heart attack of course…

oh yeah, s'pose. Well assuming it's just stress.

According to Breakfast News, the Sun was claiming it was an overdose, despite absolutely no evidence...


Arch said:
I think it's probably the case that in depressing times, any story that doesn't remind us what's going on will get a lot of coverage, as a sort of reaction against the gloom - even if it's sad story, but has a showbiz glitter - like Jade Goody.

I don't know about the paedophile thing, I think, like others have sad, he had a crazy childhood and his reaction ended up being to turn rather childlike himself. I feel a bit sorry for him, I imagine he's been pretty mixed up for a long time, and was probably never able to just take the money and live an easy life.

Also, isn't a heart attack a really dull way for someone so 'odd' to go? You think he'd have wanted something more glamourous. (I know, he couldn't choose, but if he had....)

How do you suggest he went Arch - we are all very and similiar beings HA is one of the if not THE no.1 way people pass.
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