mid life crisis

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I am your Father
:hello:Welcom Steve.
You have a lot of time to make up for but it wont take you long. Enyoy it and keep turning those pedals!:bicycle:
No problem!
I used to ride on proper MTB terrain many years ago, but these days, due to numerous health issues, and a lot of Arthritis, I play safe and stick to cycle paths, canal tow paths and light trails!
I love the Saracen but it's very heavy! May get something lighter next year!
Enjoy your riding :smile:
Thanks ScotiaLass.
Time is not kind to us humans eh !
At least u still give it a go.
Nice German Shepherd in photo (forgot to mention) - yours ??
Love Shepherds - would have one tomorrow if I didn't have a 2 year old - oh well - maybe in 10 years time !!
All the best.
Thanks ScotiaLass.
Time is not kind to us humans eh !
At least u still give it a go.
Nice German Shepherd in photo (forgot to mention) - yours ??
Love Shepherds - would have one tomorrow if I didn't have a 2 year old - oh well - maybe in 10 years time !!
All the best.

Yes, the doggie is mine! His name is Oskar and he came from kennels in Germany.
He's my 3rd GSD and all my others have been brought up alongside my 5 kids, including (at various points) 3 newborns!
They are superb animals!


I am your Father
:welcome: I think your story mirrors a lot of folk on here.
Thanks HLaB.
Yeah, I love the train & the sprint finish - that's why Cav inspired me back more than Wiggo (although I do wince & sometimes chuckle) when I watch the mountain goats suffering #CRUEL.
What's your poison. Mtb- Road ??
Mountain Goat - Sprinter or Billy all rounder ??


I am your Father
Great -free advise on GSD's too.
I have been doing some research on them on line via KC & other forums.
The vast majority if not all are happy to have kids around them & feel safe just like yourself.
If only I could convince my missus.
I am led to believe it is all down to breeding & handling ?
Oh well - maybe 3 to 4 yrs time - you never know - I might get lucky.
All the best
Yes, the doggie is mine! His name is Oskar and he came from kennels in Germany.
He's my 3rd GSD and all my others have been brought up alongside my 5 kids, including (at various points) 3 newborns!
They are superb animals!
Great -free advise on GSD's too.
I have been doing some research on them on line via KC & other forums.
The vast majority if not all are happy to have kids around them & feel safe just like yourself.
If only I could convince my missus.
I am led to believe it is all down to breeding & handling ?
Oh well - maybe 3 to 4 yrs time - you never know - I might get lucky.
All the best

I posted here re my previous GSD...


Getting old but not past it
Cheers gavroche & sorry 4 long delay in replying.
Too many codes & passwords to remember so sometime somethings gonna give & this time it was cyclechat.
Not got a brother called Stephen & a nephew called Nicholas have you ?
That would be tooo much of an unfair advantage !!
Roadie or Mountain ?
What's your poison ??
Currently thinkin' of doing a self build hardtail MTB (based around a cube frame) although may have to postpone this for a while as time & shed space do not permit this over indulgence as yet. Neither does the missus.
I would like to mix it up a bit next year & do a little MTB but mostly road as I have a few charity rides planned & some goals to achieve.
thanks 4 the welcome.
Merry bikemass.
No brothers or nephew by those names but I have 4 brothers and none of them cycle.
I ride a road bike as I am too old for mountain biking.:bicycle:
Hoping to achieve my target of 2000 miles by December 31st. I should do it as I am only 48 miles short but wont be riding till Thursday at the earliest now. :blush:
Don't forget that age is only a number.:whistle:


Über Member
Hi Ern1e.
Sorry for long delay in my reply, managed to forget passwords etc, so many of them these days.
I am on the outskirts of Mcr these days in Atherton, between Bolton, Wigan & Salford.
Gotta say the welcome from cyclechat members has been t'riffic.
Where do you call home Ern1e ?
For my sins I live in the only way to describe it is the place they call the Rossendale valley in a small town named Waterfoot ! so if you should ever (god forbid) be passing through and you spot an old bearded chap wearing a camo jacket covered by a hi-viz waistcoat riding an old BSO mtb with more rack, bags etc. than a chap knows is good for him then guess it would most likely be me lol oh and I always try to have a cheary wave and hello and if your bike should be in the recovery postion I also stop to see if I can help as would most other CC' ers.
Cheers and merry Xmas.


I am your Father
For my sins I live in the only way to describe it is the place they call the Rossendale valley in a small town named Waterfoot ! so if you should ever (god forbid) be passing through and you spot an old bearded chap wearing a camo jacket covered by a hi-viz waistcoat riding an old BSO mtb with more rack, bags etc. than a chap knows is good for him then guess it would most likely be me lol oh and I always try to have a cheary wave and hello and if your bike should be in the recovery postion I also stop to see if I can help as would most other CC' ers.
Cheers and merry Xmas.
Hi again Ern1e.
I kind of know Waterfoot a little - as in I have passed through infrequently through my work in the bus/public transport industry.
I do data & service assessment along with some fraud detection & enforcement.
Waterfoot seems like a nice place to be to me.
As far as the old mtb goes - as one previously popular american once wrote -"it's not about the bike".
Also it seems you are much braver than I am as "I dont do luggage". I kind of cheat instead - light bike, light clothes, 2 bottles & a snickers & I am good to go, so a big rap for your 'fully laden' adventures.
Don't think my 'creacky back' could take the strain.
I will certainly watch out for the bearded soldier on my travels.
I will be the guy with 'all the gear - but no idea' !
'Till then - enjoy your xmas.
Hi Ern1e.
Sorry for long delay in my reply, managed to forget passwords etc, so many of them these days.
I am on the outskirts of Mcr these days in Atherton, between Bolton, Wigan & Salford.
Gotta say the welcome from cyclechat members has been t'riffic.
Where do you call home Ern1e ?

For my sins I live in the only way to describe it is the place they call the Rossendale valley in a small town named Waterfoot ! so if you should ever (god forbid) be passing through and you spot an old bearded chap wearing a camo jacket covered by a hi-viz waistcoat riding an old BSO mtb with more rack, bags etc. than a chap knows is good for him then guess it would most likely be me lol oh and I always try to have a cheary wave and hello and if your bike should be in the recovery postion I also stop to see if I can help as would most other CC' ers.
Cheers and merry Xmas.


I am your Father
Hi Steve

It's not too much of a likeness, thankfully :smile:

I'm more of a tourer myself - mountain biking scares me and I'm too slow for a roady, many many moons ago I used to be a triathlete but dodgy knees won't let me run so now I just cycle and swim. I've done a few nice long distance tours and have one round Denmark planned for summer 2014. Good luck with your cycling.
Hi again Rockymountain.
So V. Jealous or as they say down essex way - well jell !!
A tour through Denmark by bike sounds the business & as long as your going forward on wheels you're never too slow.
Slowly slowly - catchy monkey !!
Enjoy your tour & pls keep us all posted on how it was.


I am your Father
Me too! Used to live just up the road in the hilly but lovely Peak District-lots of good brewerys for a post ride pint or three though...:cheers:
Hello Top Gun fans.
Yet more members to be jealous of (Location Location).
Peak District riding must be a thing of beauty.
My neck of the woods is a bit industrial North, although I can get into Wiggins training territory in about 45 mins ride.
There is some good riding to be had @ the Horwich end of Bolton heading out to Chorley way around Rivington.
Popular with cyclists, walkers & on bank holidays 100's of motorbikes descend on Rivington Barn.
Thanks for posting on thread.
Merry Bikemass.


I am your Father
So right of you gavroche & my number is 42.
Of course I was reference the famous Irish racers past & present - just playing on the name 'cause I am naughty.
2000 is a great achievement as far as I am concerned.
Maybe next year I can get near that figure.
At the moment & being a born again cyclist with my mid life crisis, I struggle to do much more than 40k per ride.
My mind is strong but my back is weak.
In my head I am still 21.
All the best.

No brothers or nephew by those names but I have 4 brothers and none of them cycle.
I ride a road bike as I am too old for mountain biking.:bicycle:
Hoping to achieve my target of 2000 miles by December 31st. I should do it as I am only 48 miles short but wont be riding till Thursday at the earliest now. :blush:
Don't forget that age is only a number.:whistle:


I am your Father
Welcome Steve hope you enjoy your return to cycling, I live ont proper side side o big hill.
Hello Afnug.
You will be a red rose wearer & proud as punch then ?
Only joking mate.
Sorry I took a while to reply - I am useless when it comes to memorising all the passwords & codes you need these days - I must have done a hundred re-sets in last few years for one thing & another.
Where in York-Cester-Shire are you ?
I had a great year with a pretty girl who lived just outside Fax back in the day.
There is a great cycle path in Yorkshire called the M62 - it 'LEEDS' straight to MANCHESTER -☆ Gods Country ☆ - 'tis a bit busy though.
Thanks 4 your welcome Yorkshire.
Merry BikeMass.


I am your Father
Hi. Welcome from powys
Hi Wales & all your dragons.
Apologies for long delay in responding, I have an uncanny nac of losing/forgetting passwords & codes for all the sites/shops/accounts etc that require them these days.
Where in Wales do you hail from ?
I have been on a few 'courses' there when in H.M Forces, many moons ago now.
I know St Athan R.A.F base well and some local haunts that I can't remember how to spell.
Barry Island was visited several times for drinking as was Cwmm Cyddy ?? Cumm Ciddy ??
We had a childish name for that place @ the time (boys will be boys) ! Won't go down that road for fear of offending.
Cardiff has been visited several times & Newport too.
So what's your vice ?
Road, Mountain or other??
thanks for the welcome & have a Merry BikeMass.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Wow. I live in West Wales in the foothills of the Cambrian Mountains. Bora Da. Although I live here I am not Welsh. I came here from England about 13 yrs ago. I have a hybrid bike and cough and wheeze my way up and down the inclines here, while hardened cyclists whizz past me, looking at me as if they think I am pathetic, to be doing this at my age. Mid Life crisis is right. LOL.

Hope you enjoy your cycling and enjoy the forum. Ask as many questions as you like, there is always someone around who wil know the answer, and don't think you are the only middle aged peson here. There are lots of us...
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