Minimum necessary gear for bike packing

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we did not even need a map, as if we were both still there together then no one was lost.
Something missing in this logic I fear.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
Did you find midges?

I once drove up to the highlands in July-August with my bikes on the car roof and when I arrived the bikes were literally covered in midges. They were everywhere and it took me 30 minutes to wipe them off. Super annoying :wacko:

A midge head net for when stopped. But best way to handle midges is to stop in a breezy spot. If it’s May you are going. The midges will not be in abundance.

berty bassett

Legendary Member
Did you find midges?

I once drove up to the highlands in July-August with my bikes on the car roof and when I arrived the bikes were literally covered in midges. They were everywhere and it took me 30 minutes to wipe them off. Super annoying :wacko:
Black clouds of them on west coast !
not a problem if you’re moving but I wouldn’t bivvy for a million pounds ! Took me 4 attempts to load bike in the morning kept on going in to wash them off
On a windy day they disappear but on a still day they can be horrible if you ain’t moving
Hi, I've been cycling for a couple of years and I'm thinking about embarking on a wee bike packing trip next spring.
Sounds like a nice bit of touring.

But as I only have touring experience - not bike packing - I can't help, sorry!


Legendary Member
Northern Germany
You're missing out, I've had some fantastic nights in a bivy. Sleeping high up in the Cairngorms on the longest night of the year, another time being woken up by a red deer wondering what I was.

There again, you can also have some miserable nights in a bivy, Last year in Slovenia, being eaten alive by mosquitoes all night wasn't much fun and probably ranks as one of my worst nights out. So actually, maybe you're not missing out!
Sounds like a nice bit of touring.

But as I only have touring experience - not bike packing - I can't help, sorry!
Heavy, light, long or short, recumbent, trike, or unicycle, over there or down here, five star luxury or kipping in a ditch, 1x10 or 3x7....... it all involves a bike, a bit of travel and hopefully some adventure.

You're missing out, I've had some fantastic nights in a bivy. Sleeping high up in the Cairngorms on the longest night of the year, another time being woken up by a red deer wondering what I was.

There again, you can also have some miserable nights in a bivy, Last year in Slovenia, being eaten alive by mosquitoes all night wasn't much fun and probably ranks as one of my worst nights out. So actually, maybe you're not missing out!
I've had a wonderful bivvy night in an Austrian, alpine vineyard falling asleep looking at stars so clear in the sky I thought they were just over my head.
But I've camped in Scotland and ......... midgies!^_^

(A great answer you gave at the start. Very detailed, very helpful.)
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Kilometre nibbler
I did a short tour recently that matched your description very closely (~80 miles/day; staying in B&Bs (all pre booked); buying food en route)

I took: Tools & spares; Wallet (cards & cash); Phone; Waterproof; Snacks just in case the hoped for Greggs didn't appear; off bike clothes (pr trousers, fleece jersey, underwear); spare on bike clothes; Medication (if you need); Basic first aid; Toiletries, inc sunblock; charge pack & cables in case phone/gps ran low (it never did); Mains USB charger; Lock (Abus Bordo - no high risk locking situations); Hi-5 tabs, as no access to squash etc for water (a bit of a luxury).

I think that's about it. Spares and tools in an under-seat pack. Most other stuff went into a 1980s era stuffsack that sat on top of my rack. Immediate-access stuff in a small handlebar bag. My bike is here:

Things I didn't take and wish I had: Earplugs (sharing hotel rooms with my snoring friend); Headphones.
Things I took but didn't really need: Lightweight packable towel. Towels were provided at the places we stayed. But I'd still take it anyway just in case. Billions of cereal bars. We were never in danger of starving to death.

My touring friend, who was doing twice the distance that I did (He did Lejog, I went half way) but who was carrying basically similar stuff to me, maybe a bit more, had one of those bikepacking style bags that goes up the seatpost. I asked him what he thought about it and he was very happy with it.

He used 3 bolt cleats so his shoes weren't much good for walking around in. So in addition he had a pair of crocs (cheap lookalikes actually) for the evenings. My 2 bolt shoes were fine for everything. Here's my friend's bike
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Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
I'm off with a few others next Saturday, Edinburgh to London over 6 nights.
B&B Touring. None of that silly under canvas stuff ^_^

I have in 2 panniers
Cycle Clothing
Bibs x2
Jerseys x2
Vest x 2
Socks x3
Gloves: x2 pairs mitts, 1 pair long finger
Knee warmers x 1 pair
Arm warmers x 1 pair
Cycle cap x 2
Lightweight waterproof jacket

For evening wear.
Boxers x 2 pairs
Shorts x 1 pair
T-Shirts x 2
Lightweight slip on canvas shoes

Indigestion tabs
Small pot of sudocreme
Small pack of babywipes
Small bottle sun lotion (you never know, even this time of year)
Electric razor

2 Inner tubes
Spare quick link
Tyre levers
Self adhesive patches
Spare spokes x 2
C02 Pump +2 canisters
Mini Pump
Multi Tool
Couple pairs disposable gloves
Small lock

Small mobile charger for phone and Garmins
Recharging cables for Garmins, watch and phone.
4 in one USB cable mains plug.

Think that's about it.
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