Monsoon season

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Mr Phoebus

New Member
Here, (Solihull, West Mids) the rain's coming down so heavy the drains can't clear it fast enough :tongue: watching the cars outside, starting to aquaplane.


New Member's just eased up here in Essex. It was torrential just a few minutes ago. Who shall we blame?:tongue:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Coming this way I think. Better nip out to Post Office sooner rather than later...

I think, this year, St Swithun might have got it right...

Mr Phoebus

New Member
User76 said:
I cycled with the kids to school this morning at about 8.30. Despite the rain, we soldiered on, and I told them not to worry, it'll be lovely by the end of school:wacko: I am starting to think that actually it may not be, actually we may well be underwater:ohmy: It has not stopped raining, even for a moment, all morning!!
Hope you're OK? and you don't end up like all those other unfortunate souls.


New Member
Deal, Kent
really lucky here in Dover, sunny and warm but a bit of a breeze.



Legendary Member
Patrick Stevens said:
I've just realised why it's the lead item on the news - it's affecting southern England.

Never fear Patrick, there's a radar 'red bit' heading your way - but there is a good chance it will peter out on the more significant hills on the way up...



Married to Night Train
Salford, UK

"In Hereford, the council has been handing out wellington boots to help motorists rescue about 200 vehicles stranded in a car park. "

There is, somehow, something quintessentially British about a council handing out Wellington boots...:tongue:

If it gets any worse, they'll have to ration to one boot each, and make people hop!


New Member
Down here in South Somerset, it's overcast with bits of sun and only the odd spot of rain. Not too bad given the forecast.:tongue:


Legendary Member
'Some foriegn chap just knocked on my door and asked if I had any pairs of rare animals he could buy. He said God had told him to make some kind of floating zoo and he had a REALLY long list of animals to collect. What a nutter.

Oh, it's started raining quite hard outside, bloomin weather!'

from bbc


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I remember coming back from Mexico last summer - at that time of year they have a thunderstorm every night at about 8. We were taking off at about 8. I just had to suppose it was alright to take off through a thunderstorm, or they wouldn't do it... :?: (Yes, I know all about Faraday cages...)

Seeing lightning from above, a few minutes later, that was cool! :tongue:
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