Mountain Bike to Road: What to expect? - O and Hi

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Gary D said:
I joined this forum pretty much as soon as it started but generally lurk. However, I now feel compelled to post.
Over the past couple of weeks, I had started to develop a modicum of sympathy for you as some of your postings put forward relatively sane and sensible arguments. I could not fully understand the underlying scorn that some posters clearly had for you - as I too am relatively new to both cycling and forums, and am unaware of the "history" behind these feelings.
However, after reading your repsonse to cyclebum's posting above, I can honestly say that in a millisecond, it all suddenly became clear to me ;):smile:!
I don't mean to cause offence, as your post's clearly quite thought out and reasonable, and therefore warrants a similarly thought out reply. But I'm afraid I must remind you that I don't know you, care what you think, or want your sympathy - it sounds as if you feel the opposite should be the case. Hopefully though your continued involvement in the forum will change the first two. :laugh: Some might like me, some might not. I'm not going to change though on the criticism of someone whose only indication of personality I have to go on is 9 posts.

Gary D said:
You are clearly an incredibly shallow, insecure person if you judge someone purely on the bike they happen to be riding.
When have I said I'm judging her for what bike she's riding? At worst I'm judging the bike she's riding, not her the rider - at best just making a flippant comment.
Gary D said:
For a start, everyone has to start somewhere. Do I take it that if I happened to see you when out on my £800 road bike you might nod to me?
I would, but I wouldn't expect you to nod back as most riders of poncey expensive road bikes in the full coloured lycra get-up generally don't - they prefer to look down their nose.

Gary D said:
But then the next day, if I was riding my £300 CB Hybrid, you would simply ignore me because you viewed it as "shite"?
I'd still nod at you. But I wouldn't imagine the same could be said for most roadies.

Gary D said:
The comments that you make are totally unnecessary and extremely negative. They definitely do not reflect the general attitude of the cyclists I have come across since taking up the sport.
They are my observations of the attitudes of most of the road-bike riders that I see. It also explains why the argument
"Other cyclists never nod at anyone - I've never seen them."
"Well you're wrong, there - they always nod at me!"
is completely meaningless - because what I'm suggesting is that what bike you're riding and what you look like unfortunately influences the likeliness of a lot of road cyclists of giving a nod or a wave or a hello. It doesn't alter my chances of giving you a nod or a wave or a hello, but I'm not most cyclists.

Gary D said:
You really can't seem to comprehend that the very attitude you claim is unique to roadies relating to bike snobbery - and then go on to criticise them for - is exactly the same attitude you have exhibited in your reply above!! ;):evil:
The attitude I'm complaining about is the competitiveness and apparent jealousy of a lot of roadies - evident by the way they sneer at me when I'm on a bike that looks like it might be as expensive as theirs. I certainly don't do this myself! If I see someone on a six grand bike, I'll give them a nod of great respect, but I'll still give a nod to someone on a hundred-and-sixty quid hybrid. The fact that I'm simply making an observation of a type of bike snobbery does not make me a bike snob myself.
I'm not even generalising and saying ALL roadies do this - only that a lot do. Why else when I give a nod to a roadie, and he sneers down his nose, would I still bother giving the next one a nod (which I do)?
I haven't seen any MTBers do this though, that's not prejudice, but just my experience - I can't help that!
I think the reason a lot of roadies exhibit this type of snobbery is that they feel they should look the sleekest, best, cyclist on the road with the most expensive bike and gear - and if they think this position of status might be at all threatened they don't like that. But I don't actually care what I look like, to be honest.

Gary D said:
Please tell me - why does there have to be a distinction between "roadies" and MTB'ers?? Surely we are all CYCLISTS?
There doesn't have to be, but it seems there unfortunately is.

Gary D

Well-Known Member
Paulus said:
Don't get to upset Gary D, Bonj is one of the posters who can't resist winding others up with his cutting comments. In another life in C+ he was the same.We got used to him and his ways. most just leave him alone to get on with whatever he is doing.;)

I know. I also used to follow his rantings on C+ and mostly ignored them!

However - this time I just felt compelled to reply ;):evil:

Gary D

Well-Known Member
Ah haaah! Not only judging people by the bike they ride but by their post count as well ;);)

You clearly have some seriously deep rooted prejudices against roadies.
Did one run over your dummy or your toe when you were a baby? ;):sad:

Within any collective group (ie cyclists) there will always be friendly banter and rivalry between sub-groups (roadies and MTB'ers). Just like in all walks of life there are friendly and ignorant people - fortunately with the latter being the minority.

The picture you paint however does not reflect my, albeit limited, experience.

Glad to know that you would nod or say hello and I look forward to exchanging greetings some day. :smile::smile:



Do you understand my point though about how the fact that the picture I paint doesn't reflect your experience, doesn't necessarily mean that the picture I paint is 'wrong', because it could just be possible, that the likeliness of a greeting is subjective?

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
For what it's worth, I nod whenever I spot people - sometimes I don't if I'm keeping an eye on traffic ahead &c, but that tends to be the exception rather than the rule.

In terms of contributing to the ongoing discussion, I ride a road bike, but an old one, and rather slowly, I'm unsure where this places me in the greeting heirarchy.

Gary D

Well-Known Member
Yes, I do understand.
I guess that in this instance we will have to agree to differ.

We have also gone off-thread somewhat so maybe it's best left there.



Gary D said:
Yes, I do understand.
I guess that in this instance we will have to agree to differ.

We have also gone off-thread somewhat so maybe it's best left there.


(Well, you've gone off thread.)


New Member
I've just made the same jump about 6 weeks ago after years of just using my MTB - Now love my new road bike as much as my MTB and echo the thoughts of the other posters about some of the differences. Would never give up off roading tho - but would now never give up the road riding either.


Senior Member
Just as quick note to Bonj, you say you do not want to cause offence yet if I'm honest you have offended me on a number of occassions now ;) and I have not been on here long. It's those like Gary D :smile: that keep me persisting with the reason I joined this forum, and that was to get advice. I get the impression that its posters like me you would rather not see on here and this is your way of putting us off, but I'm still here ;)


cyclebum said:
Just as quick note to Bonj, you say you do not want to cause offence yet if I'm honest you have offended me on a number of occassions now ;) and I have not been on here long. It's those like Gary D :smile: that keep me persisting with the reason I joined this forum, and that was to get advice. I get the impression that its posters like me you would rather not see on here and this is your way of putting us off, but I'm still here ;)

No, I'm not trying to put you off, I'd welcome anybody - I'd just rather you didn't whinge, stopped taking everything as seriously as you obviously do and realise that you shouldn't take offence if offence isn't intended, as it isn't. What, specifically, have I said that has offended you?
And you have been on here quite a long time, ages as far as I recall.

Tim Bennet.

Entirely Average Member
S of Kendal
Bonj - this section is called 'beginners'. It's the place where they (the beginners) can assign any degree of 'seriousness' they like to absolutely anything.

If hardened road warriors like youself have nothing to contribute which they think is of value, why come to this section?


Tim Bennet. said:
Bonj - this section is called 'beginners'. It's the place where they (the beginners) can assign any degree of 'seriousness' they like to absolutely anything.
I don't know where it says that your'e allowed to 'assign any degree of seriousness to absolutely anything'. I thought the only difference about the beginners forum is that you won't get lambasted for asking stupid questions.

Tim Bennet. said:
If hardened road warriors like youself have nothing to contribute which they think is of value, why come to this section?

The same reason I go to any section. boredom.


Senior Member
Bonj, I think you've just given yourself away and I really feel quite sorry for you. You must be so lonely and bored that it is making you bitter and twisted.
I'm not a winger,in fact I do have a good sense of humour. Your last but one response to me when I read it did actually make me smile, not because I thought it was funny, I just realised how sad you are.
However if you really do want to make amends, you could always show willing and sponsor me for my India ride!;)
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