Mundane News

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It's turned into a nice spring day finally been able to spend a nice hour this afternoon in the greenhouse seed sowing. A bit late but given the weather of late early sowings would have only ended up being checked.
I've left them in a tray to water from the bottom, soon be time to put them on the heated bench for a bit of bottom heat.


Touch it up and ride it
My favourite tea tonight Liver , onion gravy , chips and peas :hungry:


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull

Might unblock with some chemical cleaner down it from the supermarket

I was taught to put water in the sink and block the overflow then using a suction cup, work up a bit of suction with the plug out obviously then a hefty pull up which usually works.
No idea of the proper name for what I called a suction cup but I have had one for years but seldom needed.
I was taught to put water in the sink and block the overflow then using a suction cup, work up a bit of suction with the plug out obviously then a hefty pull up which usually works.
No idea of the proper name for what I called a suction cup but I have had one for years but seldom needed.

I need one frequently for the drain in the shower.

I thought you would be interested.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Bright sunshine but torrential showers with little or no warning so no triking today. Did go up to my top garden shed but too cold to stay.
I did get out a strimmer I have which I cannot get to start tho’ other people seem to manage it ok. The problem seems to be that I cannot get a strong enough pull on the cord so I think I will just advertise it for anyone who can get it going.
Once it is out of the way the next task is to get my ICE Adventure in there where it is handy for taking out for occasional local runs. The access is very tight but I did get it inside in the past.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Compost bin move finished, with any proper soil being used to build up the strawberry tubs. I then raked the lawn, re-filling the compost bin with moss.

Both cats are looking disgruntled; in moving the compost bin I've also deprived them of their entertainment and food source of the mice who lived in it. Waste food fed the mice, which in turn fed the cats.


Charle is really feeling sorry for himself trying to walk is really making him frustrated. He can't put any weight on his front leg on hearing his food dish. He tried to run it was a both comical and feeing sorry for him at the same time. The vets can't fit him in till tomorrow no normal hours appointments free and it's not an emergency. He's not in pain and his ok once he gets settled in bed.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
It's cut and shut really.

Unlike dog owners, I don't HAVE to go outside when it's raining sideways or sub-zero. I can sit in my armchair by the fire with a book, a nice :cuppa: and a lap full of warm, purry cat.

I have a dog that dislikes rain, she'll soon turn for home if it's raining. She doesn't like puddles either, does a little jump over them.
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