Mundane News

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Was a passing shower so washing dried outside and for once this year nothing hanging on an indoor airer. Another almost Aldi trek but to Toolstation for a twin mains socket adapter.
It's been a sunny and blustery day here chez Casa Reynard, and surprisingly warm when sheltered by the trees.

Slept well after yesterday's trip to Worsbrough. Did the entire return leg in one fell swoop. Still a bit knackered. Vibes were positive, but I'm letting my brain catch up with stuff and mull things through. I need to make sure I made the right decision. Was lovely having my friend Linda along, we had an absolute blast and setting the world (well, the cat fancy at least) to rights.

Madam Lexi was in diva mode yesterday - she was happy I was back, but pissed off that I'd been gone. She *did* bring me a shrew that she caught, but then she hissed at me, and when I told her off, she went and bit me. Not a cheese grater, but a good old chomp. And then she slept the whole night on my bed and has been stuck to me like a limpet today. Other than the couple of hours she spent pootling around in the garden.

I have done very little today.


Legendary Member
Creedence Clearwater revival, bad moon rising. Best Rock n' roll song in the world.:music:
Actually managed to stay dry until 5 then bucketed down. A bit more weeding of the rear lawn done and a quantity of messages from presumably some cat found. Pretty sure they were not there when I cut it on Thursday. A . neighbour has a new male cat so wondering if it's marking it's territory. Ordered a new cat repellent, the RSPB recommended one that apparently works a lot better running off a 12v supply. Plenty of 12v adapters on the loft (I hope) so an almost duplicate Aldi trek to B&Q to look at the outdoor cables. Only had 2 core in orange but a quick look at Google and then eBay revealed black cheaper and as such subsequently ordered.

That's the most likely reason.

Cats without indoor facilities that come with a Human to keep them clean will tend to poop on the edges of their range to a) mark it out and b) announce their presence in the area, especially if it's not covered to damp down the "strength" of the message. More so if the cat is an entire male; at this time of year they're on the look out for girls and pretty keen to make sure everyone knows they're around.

If the cat isn't neutered, maybe have a word with the neighbour about sending his boy off for a pompomectomy as it will definitely ameliorate the situation. Output from the rear will also be far less odoriferous, a neuter boy is far less likely to wander, and is at a much lower risk of contracting FIV and FeLV as these are spread by both sexual contact and bites / fighting. Oh, and it totally eliminates the risk of testicular cancer of course.
had a nice time away w/ Wifey visiting family
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