Mundane News

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Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Cloudy snd cold today but no rain.
Got the ICE trike out of the car and up to indoor storage while it is dry as the next week looks a bit unsettled and I do not want to put in while wet. Car needs to be emptied before I go off to get the Kett. back.
The job was not too hard as it is light with no motor unlike the other one which is a heavy brute.

Noticed three masts passing into the bay but cannot see anything else from my house. (Holiday home again blocking my view).
Took a trip further down and it is massive with by the looks of it with it,s motorised tender. Picture is not my best and should really have used a camera rather than phone.
When I stopped to take the photo a local car stopped to enquire if I was ok as without a stick I am a bit unstable.

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I wanted to take a picture of a leaf hanging by a thread from a branch this morning. But I only had my phone & you can't control the depth of field as well.


Touch it up and ride it
Afternoon cuppa swapped for a hot chocolate
A grey but mild day here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept well and slept in. Other than doing some laundry, I have had a lazy day so far, watching the live feed from the Prescott Historique, listening to the F1 qualifying and keeping an eye on the FA Cup final.

Salami on toast for luncheon, along with an apple, an orange and two :cuppa:

I shall be going yellow stickering later.
I like normal Tabbies.

Torties and blues for me, though I do have a soft sport for black cats too.

I used to get excited when our cats had kittens . I used to go out into my dad's shed to see how many they had. Puss and her daughter seemed to have them at the same time and would often share them . I doubt it they knew who's was who's anyway! I think our cats appreciated their kittens being minded during the day so that they had a bit of free time to themselves. Happy times.

Cats *do* recognise their own kittens, although mummy cats will share kitten sitting / milk bar duties, particularly if they are related or live in the same social group.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Sunny day but bitterly cold wind so kept mostly indoors.
Went to the library which was open but none of the books requested have turned up. On past history the requests may well be ignored.
Down to Main St next which was an eye opener. Never seen so many people crammed into the street and it is still only May. Goodness knows what pleasure they can get gawping around and standing in the middle of the street getting sworn at by irate drivers who just want to go about their normal business.
The town is being destroyed by the crowds disrupting normal life and I would leave if I could.
It looks like a cruise ship crowd tho’ it is not in the bay but anchored well out in the Sound.
I hope we do not have the same debacle next weekend as that is the Sportif which used the car park in the past tho' there was a mass start outside the town to avoid the crowds. The finish was at the car park as then there would not be the mass coming in together and the nearby pub gave a free meal and drinks on production of the number card.
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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Hardly 'Mundane' but a Spitfire has crashed near Coningsby & the pilot has been killed 😢
bossman gave me a surprise day off yesterday, so I treated myself to a new beach sticker & took a day trip to Martha's Vineyard. Wifey is sooooo mad at me
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poge 90 look left.jpg

barely enough wind to get the kite in the air but it did go up for a short while


As long as I breathe, I attack.


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Leg End Member
A rather unproductive morning spent walking around all the shoe shops, the cobbler and that weird shop that sells every obscure item known to humankind trying to find a bootlaces but nobody has any. The cobbler tells me he can't get stock any more as the UK based supplier he used to deal with doesn't ship here anymore due to complications since Brexit. He is hopes to place an order with a supplier in Poland next month.

I also visited all the phone and accessories shops looking for a new cover for my Alcatel but nobody has one of those either. Typical of me to have an oddball phone!

I don't get people's fascination with going shopping at all!

Looks like it's time to hit eBay. I at least tried to support local businesses.

My foot still hurts too. Don't know what happened it but the pain seems to come and go.
"Boy George" pain?
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