Mundane News

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Vice Admiral
I think Warren had the rabbits!

Could @Biggs burrow them?


Legendary Member
A rather unproductive morning spent walking around all the shoe shops, the cobbler and that weird shop that sells every obscure item known to humankind trying to find a bootlaces but nobody has any. The cobbler tells me he can't get stock any more as the UK based supplier he used to deal with doesn't ship here anymore due to complications since Brexit. He is hopes to place an order with a supplier in Poland next month.

I also visited all the phone and accessories shops looking for a new cover for my Alcatel but nobody has one of those either. Typical of me to have an oddball phone!

I don't get people's fascination with going shopping at all!

Looks like it's time to hit eBay. I at least tried to support local businesses.

My foot still hurts too. Don't know what happened it but the pain seems to come and go.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Why do rabbits have big ears?

I'm guessing Noddy may have questions to answer....

Oops, synchronous Noddy posts!


Leg End Member
They're giving them away!


That's posh! Mine was only a bit of string!

Mine had a touch of fabric, invested in a proper one. Sunny morning spent post Waitrose (still no newspaper display and remain dumped in trolleys) pressure washing the drive and the remainder of the paths with a dosing of cleaner. A neighbour is suggesting pouring diluted bleach on to keep it clean but the run off is to the front lawn and plants so not so sure on that. Clouded over at lunchtime, lawns cut and the Giro put on. Think had better bring the washing in before the 🌧️ arrives.


Cycling a new route yesterday afternoon. Very nice, quiet bumble.
Then I'm confronted by a ford. No obvious bridge.
Took a flier and went for it. Wondered, too late, how deep the water might be.
Got lucky and emerged the other side. Pootled on, wondering if it had had any impact on the electrics.

Bit of so far so good. Then arrived at second equally unexpected ford. Bit, of I can handle this until I ran out of momentum. Had to pedal. Water well over my feet.
Survived and emerged wetter and wiser at the other side

Few hundred meters further on there was a third ford. Fish visible, fast moving water too. I reasoned that the water was much deeper.
Squelched about and found a foot bridge.
Cycling the remaining 20k with wet feet was not quite the fun I was looking for.
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