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Leg End Member
[QUOTE 5512298, member: 9609"]are they making a come back ? seen someone on a train with one last week, now getting a mention in here.
must be 40 years since they were big?[/QUOTE]
One of the "must have" toys for christmas 2011.


Leg End Member
[QUOTE 5512314, member: 9609"]was that not a few years ago?[/QUOTE]


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Good deed of the day just done. Popped out to the shop for some 'bits' and whilst sat at the lights, noticed a lady pushing her bike (think it was a Pendleton - similar to a dutch bike but modern brakes/gears). Noticed the back wheel was jammed. Couldn't do much at the lights, so carried on and parked up. Got food from the shop and saw she was still struggling. Dropped the food in the car book, and wandered over and offered help. Her rear v-brakes had stuck hard on - the middle section of cable had frozen hard (also cables were a bit knackered). Freed the noodle and moved the v-brakes out of the way and told her to soak the cables with oil, but leave it inside if the weather is really cold - it was in the garage. - Explained I'd had frozen brakes and gears in the past, and having them somewhere above freezing lets them all dry out.

Poor lass must have been knackered pushing that. Would have given her a lift, but no rack on the car, nor tools to dismantle the bike.


Started young, and still going.
Good deed of the day just done. Popped out to the shop for some 'bits' and whilst sat at the lights, noticed a lady pushing her bike (think it was a Pendleton - similar to a dutch bike but modern brakes/gears). Noticed the back wheel was jammed. Couldn't do much at the lights, so carried on and parked up. Got food from the shop and saw she was still struggling. Dropped the food in the car book, and wandered over and offered help. Her rear v-brakes had stuck hard on - the middle section of cable had frozen hard (also cables were a bit knackered). Freed the noodle and moved the v-brakes out of the way and told her to soak the cables with oil, but leave it inside if the weather is really cold - it was in the garage. - Explained I'd had frozen brakes and gears in the past, and having them somewhere above freezing lets them all dry out.

Poor lass must have been knackered pushing that. Would have given her a lift, but no rack on the car, nor tools to dismantle the bike.

Misread the post the first time, thought the lady was Vicky PENDLETON. Doh.

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
Thinking ahead to spring, I plan to grow some vegetables. A very keen gardener has seen where I intend to grow them, and has suggested carrots and beetroot. Marigolds, he said, are a companion plant to ward off carrot fly.

Which variety of carrots and beetroot does the panel suggest? The main consideration is taste, rather than size.

The broad beans are doing well, and are now about five inches tall. Do they wrap themselves round the canes that I put there, like nasty turshums do, or do I need to tie them in as they grow.
Consider the parsnip. Nasturtiums also ward off bugs, and the petals make a peppery addition to salads. Grow corn to accompany the broad beans, and squash. The corn provides a cane for the beans to grow on, and the squash and corn are further fertilized by the nitrogen fixation of the beans. We call this three sisters planting.
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