Mundane News

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Maverick Goose

A jumped up pantry boy, who never knew his place
Here's some quality Mundanity- a whole book of Boring Postcards, edited by the photographer Martin Parr:
"Martin Parr is a key figure in the world of photography and contemporary art. Some accuse him of cruelty, but many more appreciate the wit and irony with which he tackles such subjects as bad taste, food, the tourist, shopping and the foibles of the British. Parr has been collecting postcards for 20 years, and here is the cream of his collection - his boring postcards. With no introduction or commentary of any kind, Parr's boring postcards are reproduced straight. They are exactly what they say they are, namely boring picture postcards showing boring photographs of boring places, presumably for boring people to buy to send to their boring friends. All of them are shot in Britain, taking us on a boring tour of its motorways, ring roads, traffic interchanges, bus stations, pedestrian precincts, factories, housing estates, airports, caravan sites, convalescent homes and shopping centres. Some attempt to idealize their subjects, only to fail dismally. Others lack any apparent purpose or interest, but the resultant collection of photographic images is wholly compelling.
Boring Postcards is multi-layered: a commentary on British architecture, social life and identity, a record of a folk photography which is today being appropriated by the most fashionable photographers (including Parr), an exercise in sublime minimalism and, above all, a richly comic photographic entertainment" (taken from the description on Amazon).

Also you may wish to watch:



Un rouleur infatigable
I have sprained my wrist. I wish I knew how I did it. Fortunately, 1) I had a splint in the house; 2) it's not my dominant hand.
And now I have cut my finger while making lunch. Today is not my day it seems.

Plus my wife keeps telling me that everything happens in threes. With a (subconscious?) suggestion like that, it's only a matter of time...
A dragon would be nice, but it'd likely scorch the grass, where a unicorn would only eat the tops of the daffodils, in the spring..

A dragon, when trained, would keep my back boiler nice and warm, plus it would likely snack on the pesky wood pigeons who are currently stripping all the berries off my holly tree.

At least a dragon is useful. A unicorn is not.

And I still want my collection of racing cars and a supply of chocolate. And it's got to be proper chocolate, not this Dairy Milk type stuff...
Anyways, enough time spent working on a poem.

Time to go throw some supper together and feed the terrible twosome. :blush:
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