Mundane News

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Early Retirement Planning
Still, grey and chilly here chez Casa Reynard.

I did not sleep well. I am bunged up and very snotified again, and I have a cough that makes me sound like I've smoked 40 a day for most of my life. At least I'm hacking up the goo, but it's not terribly ladylike.

Spent the morning making a big cauldron of carrot, sweet potato and red lentil soup. I will spend the afternoon building a differential.
What a great word, snotified, I'm going to start using that as long as you haven't got copyright on it?


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
I have done 2 x 30 mins and 2 x 20 mins on the turbo this week,and I dont had feel better for it.
Yes, it certainly makes a difference for me, particularly as I don't seem to do much walking these days.
Right, I have most of the parts for the differential, prop shaft and rear axle. I still need to make the bell housing for the drop gears and the connection to the prop.

I hope mum doesn't need that pair of 3mm wooden knitting needles that I, erm, appropriated. One went to make the shocks, the other is more than ample for the prop. :whistle:

Now celebrating with a :cuppa: and half a chocolate muffin.

Oh, and i had a sausage sandwich, a lovely orange and two :cuppa: for lunch. And I have done a load of laundry.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
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Inside my skull
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