Mundane News

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Leg End Member
:rain::rain::rain: getting quite humid outside ⛈️ is on the way.
There was the sound of distant thunder, maybe even distant drums, half an hour ago over here.


Wet morning so car on a largely frozen food run to Asda. Thought I had ordered a new basin tap off eBay but no record of the purchase, email confirmation nor PayPal record. Will leave it till tomorrow evening and try again if still absent.
Heavy downpour around lunchtime then turned dry with sunny spells long enough for a Aldi like trek to B&Q for some bathroom sealant. Slightly longer route than yesterday as I avoided grass verges and the probably muddy now bridleway.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Light rain as forecast which later turned into occasional sunshine.
Another cruise ship in so no point going near the main part of town as it will be shuffling room only.
The only people to really benefit from this constant invasion is the harbour authority who must make a fortune in landing fees. While this is a limited company it is run locally and the money is largely kept local except for fees to the Crown Estate. I doubt anyone else benefits much from the passengers.
There was a survey done in Lerwick a few years ago which showed that the crew of those ships spent more in the town than the passengers.
I went for a walk in the upper part of town where only the fitter and more adventurous pests appear so they are no problem so far. It was raining but I did not get too wet.
In the narrower bits passing cars gave me a very wide berth as I use two sticks for those excursions and a bit like the trike they do not wish to be involved with injuring the apparently infirm.


Gone dark, raining, thunder and lightning. Turns out the tap order was awaiting payment. Thought I had completed through. Also ordered a new flip top waste. Both have 15 year guarantees.
Found a DPD message in the junk, thinking it might be the ebike battety clicked on it to find was junk - it went to Amazon :eek:


Legendary Member
Just over 50 miles completed on the Brompton earlier. It had occurred to me that I had given it a complete overhaul before Christmas and not really ridden it since, mainly because I had done my back in when i was working on it at the time. Rides well now and the bottom bracket replacement has removed the irritating click.

Now just relaxing for some Sunday evening live music.
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