Nearly wiped out a whole cycling club

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Legendary Member
Devon & Die
Indeed. I wonder if some of the riders were even aware of the cars on the roundabout. When you're in a bunch you're concentration is on the rider immediately ahead, and those either side. There's an amount of trust involved.
If you're in a bunch and not also aware of a the potential hazards of both a roundabout and a line of cars, then you probably shouldn't be riding in a bunch.
When I rode the World Naked Bike Ride (York) a couple of years ago we were told by the organisers that the Police now advise groups of riders to act 'as one' when encountering roundabouts, give way junctions and red lights. Keep together, it's safer.

It's not outwith the bounds of possibility that something like a slow moving articulated lorry (for instance) might set off from a roundabout junction - having ensured that the coast is clear - and then be half way across the junction to be met with a car wizzing around the roundabout which then has to apply the brakes.

I've come around a blind corner on a roundabout many times to discover my route blocked by stationery traffic in the junction. Luckily I know that driving no faster than a speed that allows me to stop in the distance I know to be clear means that I'll always be able to stop in time. And I think it's fair to expect the driver of the car directly behind me to drive with enough space between her/his vehicle and mine that (s)he'd be able to stop if I stop. What with it being one of the basics of passing the driving test and all.


A gentlemanly pootler, these days
West Wickham

I was taken by surprise because they came down the inside of a queue of traffic that was stopped waiting to enter the roundabout. Hence, I didn't see them until the last second.
If you know which club it was, maybe a little note dropped off to the secretary outlining what you'd encountered might be in order? No need for a flameogram, just state the facts as you saw them and request that the ride leaders exercise a bit more caution for everyone's sake?


Cracking a solo.
If you know which club it was, maybe a little note dropped off to the secretary outlining what you'd encountered might be in order? No need for a flameogram, just state the facts as you saw them and request that the ride leaders exercise a bit more caution for everyone's sake?

Perhaps the OP could direct them to some of the well reasoned and sensible arguments and suggestions outlined in this thread :okay:


Well-Known Member
If you know which club it was, maybe a little note dropped off to the secretary outlining what you'd encountered might be in order? No need for a flameogram, just state the facts as you saw them and request that the ride leaders exercise a bit more caution for everyone's sake?

Didn't get the name - hence posting here in the hope that the message might filter down. This was about 10:30am on Sunday. Good suggestion about looking on Strava - when I get chance.
The fact that you think it's garbage says a lot about your approach to driving...
If cyclists want to be treated like equal road users then they should expect to slow down and be prepared to stop at a give way junction when there is something on the main carriageway, in the same way they should stop for red lights. If idiots continue to cycle in a manner you prescribe ie aggressively then you can only expect to receive the same from other road users, which is detrimental to us all.


Über Member
its funny that the usual cockwombles turn up to threads like this, dont read the original message properly, then go into biases rants with their mates clicking like everytime they post! unless you come on here and say cyclists are never at fault they will be on you like a pack of hyenas. grow up


Kilometre nibbler
To lighten the mood a bit, not long ago I drove onto a roundabout (no one to my right) As I entered some riders on the opposite side of the roundabout entered (all OK). However, by the time I had trundled round one of them had had a clipless moment and was rolling around on the floor, much to the merriment of his mates. I just stopped an popped my hazard lights on while he got up. And quietly joined in the laughter.

No wrecks, and nobody drownded.
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