New to CycleChat? Make your first post here and say HELLO :)

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New Member
Hello everybody. My first post of course and a ittle about me. I'm a wilderness guide promoting remote wilderness experiences mostly in Alaska. I'm getting ready to retire and in doing so I want to bike across the US. My dream is to bike the southern tier during the winter months and head up along the west coast and back across the US along the Trans Atlantic.
I currently have a home in Talkeetna Alaska and the southern mountains Mt. Rogers Virginia.
I have lots of questions and lots to learn from those who have the experience here at Cycle Chat. I'll first read past posts and pick up from there with questions. My journey hopefully will start early January 2016. Thanks for allowing me to join in and be a part of what looks like a very knowledgable place to get started on the right track. Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
Kharkov. Ukraine
Hello! I'm from Kharkov, Ukraine! I bicycle mechanic!


Senior Member
Sunny Stockport
Hello from sunny Stockport, not exactly a newbey, I was a member on this forum a couple of years ago but preferred riding rather than doing the on-line stuff, anyway here's some of my trusted steeds, they all get used one way or another!


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New Member
Hello Shaun

My name is Ian and Im from Liverpool.
Iv just started cycling the commute to work 4 weeks ago. Im using a Marin Palisades Trail 2010. The commute is 12 miles (24 on a round trip) I feel great...weight is coming off..feel fitter and stamina has vastly improved. The reason for me joinig this site was to ask questions and lots of them...


Hello Shaun

My name is Ian and Im from Liverpool.
Iv just started cycling the commute to work 4 weeks ago. Im using a Marin Palisades Trail 2010. The commute is 12 miles (24 on a round trip) I feel great...weight is coming off..feel fitter and stamina has vastly improved. The reason for me joinig this site was to ask questions and lots of them...

Great stuff - sounds like you're really enjoying it. Feel free to fire away with the questions. :okay:


Not So Special One
North Yorkshire

So you've signed-up, got your user account, now all you need to do is get posting .... ah, um, er, What do I say?

Well, it's dead easy - just say Hello and tell us a little bit about yourself and whereabouts you're from (so we can invite you along to rides!!)

Believe me, once you get that first post under your belt you'll be off!

My name's Shaun by the way, and I own and operate CycleChat.

If you need any help or advice on using the forums, or want to ask a question but don't want to do it publicly - just send me a PM (private message).

Hope you enjoy, and welcome to CycleChat

Shaun :smile:
Hello from North Yorkshire.


Hello. New member to cyclechat but have followed you for some time now. I'm a Kean cyclist and Bkooler. I have been meaning to join for a while now but finally made the effort as I wanted to join the mountain goat Bkool group.


New Member
Hello, I am not sure how this all works but here goes.

  1. I am a guy based in NW, near Southport / Ormskirk, who likes bikes and discovered the fitness benefits of cycling 5 years ago.
  2. I now have more bikes than I can ride, according to my wife!, so thought I best join up with more like minded people.
  3. Got some decisions to make about which bikes to keep and which to sell , so that I can BUY a NEW BIKE

[Edited by moderator to remove several quoted messages that I don't think were supposed to be here!]
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New Member
Hi Guys

Got the cycling bug and enjoying life again. This forum is just what I need to keep me focused and answer all my questions and give me new ideas.



Certainly is , pretty lucky really, all on my doorstep, it's been damn hard work for the last 6 months but seems to be working , really enjoying it now
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